Also, MCP integrated with our TMS seamlessly; which made getting set up very smooth and easy! With RTS Pro Freight, you get exclusive access to thousands of available loads and backhauls. googletag.defineSlot('/21776187881/FW_Super_Leaderboard', [[300, 50], [970, 90], [300, 100], [728, 90]], 'div-gpt-ad-1668097889433-0').defineSizeMapping(gptSizeMaps.banner2).addService(googletag.pubads()); Get connected to the most powerful network for spot and contract freight. Our days of dealing with the traditional carrier packet method are over! Thank you for allowing us to haul your freight, be part of your family and benefit from the lanes your provide us with. Tooling built on top of your TMS to give you access to Emerge's Marketplace, Your all-in-one platform for everything from procurement to tendering, Instantly find out where your trucks are, their ETA, and seamlessly communicate with them, Store your contracted rates and lanes in an easy to use system. MyCarrierPackets provides Taylor Logistics with an extremely efficient carrier compliance and onboarding service. Shippers use Emerge for free, while brokers and carriers pay Emerge to access the shippers' freight. The team is phenomenal, professional, fair, honest and like family. After the document has been added, choose the Document Type; Signed Rate Confirmation, Invoice, Proof of Delivery, Bill of Lading, Transportation Documents, or Other.. 2. googletag.enableServices(); Our carriers are very pleased to find how user friendly the program is. Meanwhile the carrier has no way of accessing the first shippers freight it probably never sees the RFP or the shippers available lanes. Skip rate negotiations to save time and secure coverage fast. Can I try it first? Email *. We are dedicated to helping carriers achieve success through industry-leading fuel card programs, factoring solutions and technology. A shipper looking for outbound capacity from Chicago has no way of knowing, for example, that a second shipper is sending carrier Xs trucks into Chicago and that carrier X should be included in its bid. window.googletag = window.googletag || {cmd: []}; You will not regret signing up. Transportation For a motor carrier to participate and function effectively, the services must meet the same criteria that carriers apply to their selection of fleet technologies; is it cost-effective; and, will it integrate seamlessly with existing technology infrastructure? In 2018, Lake Shore Logistics transitioned our carrier onboarding process to MyCarrierPackets with Safer Watch monitoring. By collaborating with customers, our website can identify and address issues before they become larger problems, which can ultimately lead to better outcomes for all parties involved. Emerge allows shippers and their capacity providers to seamlessly communicate and earn you more business. The deal is a watershed moment, signaling the gradual maturation of the FreightTech space: sophisticated global asset managers writing large checks to seasoned entrepreneurs in a year when the supply chain has taken center stage. Emerge Welcome. Our thanks go out to Jay Pelkey and the development team at MyCarrierPackets for bringing to market an automated carrier packet and carrier monitoring program at a price that small to midsize companies can afford. With a combined 150+ years of freight experience, weve learned first hand how difficult it is in the industry. Happy users! My skepticism in both case was unfounded. is cheaper, more customizable, and an overall better fit for the transportation industry. What makes better than other online registration services? MCP has proven to be an invaluable tool just in the first month of using it. MyCarrierPackets provides the best carrier onboarding service in the industry. Some pick the same questions, some have different questions. Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved, FreightWaves, Inc, Emerge raises $130M Series B to scale digital freight marketplace, Loaded & Rolling (Enterprise Fleet News/Analysis). We love MyCarrierPackets. When you have a great leader, you have a great team and great support from Carriers like myself. Put your team in the drivers seat with tools builtfor procurement success. USDOT Number: 3074719. With outstanding customer service, the transition to MyCarrierPackets was quick and easy, and JGLC highly recommends their services to anyone looking to save time and money. It is such a pleasure working with you and your company. CARRIERS -View available freight in our carrier portal -Dedicated carrier setup and service teams -Multiple payment options to choose from -Dedicated lanes available Carriers MegaCorp relies on carriers of many sizes to help deliver our clients' truckload shipments. Let the experts in online carrier packets manage the site. Once a customer signs up, they direct all of their carriers via an invitation process to electronically complete an online carrier packet ( Ryan Transportation is always looking out for me, and they address any issues wehave immediately. Prosponsive Logistics Carriers | Third Party Logistics & Supply Chain Available capacity when you need it. New to Simply choose to share space on a trailer when necessary to reduce costs. Its an easy system for the carriers, and helped our company feel more secure with onboarding new trucks quickly. Enter your frequent lanes to be automatically notified of new opportunities. Phone: (602) 455-1180. Since using MyCarrierPackets, weve been asking ourselves why we havent done so sooner! We also offer a carrier portal and other ways that will allow you to book a load with Sureway directly from the portal or an email. No need to chase for information; its all available once a packet is completed. Although shippers use the platform for free, the change management associated with completely rethinking transportation procurement means that Emerge does need talented enterprise salespeople to demonstrate the value of the new approach. Force Freight has enjoyed the personal attention weve received setting up our MyCarrierPackets account and there is an enormous benefit at a very reasonable rate. googletag.enableServices(); the back and forth negotiating rates for loads. We highly recommend MyCarrier Packets! Our new TMS came with an on boarding module, but it failed in comparison to what is capable of. To help identify parties that are reassigning your loads to other parties without your knowledge, we have created Double Brokering Alerts. From the Document Upload window, simply use the Drag & Drop feature or select BROWSE.Choose the file you would like to upload and click Open.. 1. Emerge - Request Access It's affordable, helps brand our company, and allows us to setup carriers online seemlessly! They always communicate with the shippers and receivers on our behalf to speed up the unloading process when needed. Implementing MyCarrierPackets and Assure Advantage has made onboarding carriers a breeze. Now that your needs are satisfied and the carrier has some time to kill, they can click on the link provided on the confirmation email and answer questions on their main Carrier Profile page. State Carrier ID Number: MC/MX/FF Number (s): There is a link to the carrier login on that email. Notice: This email is being sent you by (client), inviting you to complete their online carrier packet. All the time invested in this number of carriers, will be reduced in a high percentage with the utilization of MyCarrierPacket. MyCarrierPackets makes all other onboarding processes obsolete. They have always done right by us! Recognition for our top performing partners at our annual Carrier Awards event. That projection took more time to realize than the software prophets foretold, but several products made their way to market around 2015. All in all we are very pleased with My Carrier Packets. Learn how you can connect with your shippers today! We cannot brag enough about them! Access to large fleets with quality service, no set-up required. Tiger has earned a reputation for executing quickly and paying high prices for equity without asking for board seats. Wouldnt want to do it any other way! We are truly grateful for all that MyCarrierPackets provides. All the data we ask for in our set up is automatically imported to McLeod including contracts and W-9s. Emerge Carrier Registration Step 1 of 4: Email Step 2 of 4: Personal Information Step 3 of 4: Confirm your Company Note: If your company can't be found in the search. Please enter your email below. This is because everything comes over together at one time. googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); DOT Number BE SURE TO ENTER YOUR DOT NUMBER AND NOT YOUR MC NUMBER! In 6 months we have saved over $12,000 making the switch to MCP. We like their Quick Pay program and have always been paid the same day or first thing in the morning the next day. Double brokering has come to mean many things in our industry. It integrates well with our TMS, implementation was smooth, and our team has seen an astounding improvement in the efficiency and compliance realm of our carrier onboarding. Become a Carrier Industry Best 1.9% Quick Pay Rate! Instantly gain access to 45,000+ carriers and their rates. Eliminating unnecessary administrative burdens means less calls, less emails, and more freight. The service decrease internal cost, improves efficiency, and lowers the exposure of fraud for its customers. By joining our network, you get access to our private load board, additional carrier services and exclusive benefits from a trusted name in transportation. As soon as you update your criteria, you can send all of your carriers an email requesting that they complete another for you. Assure Assist is always working on ways to make the onboarding processes easier. Whenever there are issues such as appointment scheduling, detention or layover I know that I dont need to worry about anything. Home Page - Quickly compare real-time spot rates for your freight. The cost of is less expensive than operating and maintaining your own website. One way of looking at Emerges platform is that its a technology layer that disintermediates 4PLs and managed transportation solutions by returning the power over buying decisions to shippers, but providing the same opportunities for optimization across multiple shipper networks.
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