Dec 19 - Dec 20. Founded in 1961, it provides a forum for international political, business, and intellectual leaders. (33), The Atlantic Council recently congratulated George Soros for the 17,000 Civil Society projects he is doing in the Ukraine. The BC government has already shown resistance to the Trans Mountain Pipeline expansion, making a transit agreement all the more unlikely. Be tied to Trudeaus picturesque view for Canada without a voice in it? It is a trifecta of corruption undercutting Taylors testimony. (28), The Atlantic Council, a US-based globalist swamp think tank, which was formed in 1961, is behind the latest impeachment coup against Donald Trump. Adam Schiff's Whistleblower statement has connections to George Soros, Crowdstrike, the Atlantic Council, McCain's former Assistant David Kramer and even Buzzfeed. And last week, on Twitter, Trumps close congressional ally, Representative Steve King, linked to an anti-immigrant tweet from Orbn and added that Western Civilization is the target of George Soros and the Left.. The Atlantic Council's Board of Directors is a distinguished group of policy influencers and business leaders who are committed to aiding the Council in its mission of working alongside global allies and partners to shape the future in face of growing global challenges. His bio page at the firm is particularly nauseating: Speaker Boehner joined the team during the autumn of 2016, making Squire Patton Boggs the only public policy firm in the world with a former US House Speaker and a former US Senate Majority Leader (Senator Trent Lott), with a best-in-class team that includes former Senator John Breaux, Representative Jack Kingston and Rodney Slater, who served as Secretary of Transportation under President Bill Clinton.. As stated above, Ukraine must become an attractive investment destination. Not to leave any doubt, Soros continues, The investments will be for-profit but I will pledge to contribute the profits to my foundations. google_ad_client = "pub-9945337162717206"; 2. As anti-Semitic lore has it, the humanitarianism of the International Jew is merely a cover for an interest in global domination. Crowdstrike founder Dmitri Alperovitch acts as a Senior Fellow . This website or its third-party tools use cookies, which are necessary for its functioning and required to achieve the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. After Communisms collapse, Soros-funded foundations nurtured nascent pro-democracy institutions in nations throughout Central and Eastern Europe, paying for travel grants for students, supporting watchdog organizations that promoted good governance and human rights, and seeking to protect vulnerable and marginalized populations such as the Roma. (11) What we do know is that his billboard signs advocate for civil war in Canada. Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. Investigatedon't investigateit won't matter because our DOJ is just as corrupt under Barr as it was as it was under Holder. That is to say, administrative controls would be removed and the economy would move to market prices rapidly rather than graduallyNaftogaz needs to be reorganized with a big bang replacing the hiddensubsidies, Splitting Naftogaz into separate companies could allow Soros to take control of one of the new branches and essentially privatize its profits. Notably, Wesley Clark is also a business associate of Soros in BNK Petroleum which does business in Poland. But we must also be practical. In the Open Society Foundations, he created a sprawling, decentralized network of local boards in some 20 nations that were granted exceptional levels of autonomy. (726 reviews) Credit: Presidential Administration of Ukraine. The Atlantic Council was founded in 1961 to promote understanding among NATO member nations, and its headquarters are in currently in Washington DC. Activists spent too much time feeling exuberant and euphoric, instead of keeping the government of Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko in check. The example of Soros in Liberia is instructive for understanding the seemingly seamless interplay between Soros the shrewd businessman and Soros the philanthropist. Soros, who is worth $8 billion according to the Forbes World's Billionaires list, is a Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor based in the US who runs his own hedge fund. As Breitbart reported on Oct. 23, Taylor has a long relationship with the Atlantic Council. The American agents of influence would prefer different language to describe their activities democratic assistance, democracy promotion, civil society support, etc. Soros writes, The framework for bringing the various branches of government together has also emerged. Soros, of course, has been the subject of intense scrutiny for decades. In order to participate in the call, please register below. But amid the vast list the name CNN jumps out. (20) How many more will join Wexit? All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers. [] Soros-Influenced Atlantic Council Begs Ukraine Not To Investigate Biden Tapes []. /* 300x250, created 7/16/10 */ Squire Patton Boggs has lobbied on behalf of communist China. This is the epitome of Swamp culture on full display. But those narratives soon found a home on the other end of the political spectrum. Alberta should, instead, change the politicians that led them into this predicament in the first place; start in your constituency office and eliminate any and all politicians with connections to the Harper government, the Liberal and NDP parties and to Quebec, including Jason Kenney. In the United States, conspiracies about Soros were first spun by leftists opposed to globalization. This should allay suspicions that I am advocating policies in search of personal gain. Elsewhere Soros speaks about de facto creating the impression within the EU that the current government of Yatsenyuk is finally cleaning out the notorious corruption that has dominated every Kiev regime since 1991. In a publicly released letter in March 2018, that organization ripped Trumps potential use of tariffs in pursuit of a more level trade field with China. More than thirty of them have already been voted in by the parliament of Ukraine. The group even touted the segment on its website. You accept the use of cookies as per our, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Adrienne Arsht Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East programs, Policy on donor acceptance and disclosure. Acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor, billed by The New York Times as a model diplomat, has provided crucial testimony to congressional Democrats pursuing impeachment over Trumps July phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. The Central European University (CEU), established by Soros in 1990, is also playing an important role in bringing Ukraines victory closer. (7)(8)(9), What is also unusual about this story is not only the attempted cover-up of a racist act that the vast majority of Canadians would find offensive, but that Peter Downing wrote this letter to the Calgary Mayor the very same day he started fundraising for himself in his riding of Edmonton Mill Woods, an ethnically diverse riding that was being sought by Liberal MP Amarjeet Sohi; and a highly contested riding that would put the social Liberals on the map in Alberta. The Atlantic Council was recently in the news for receiving a donation of $900,000 from the U.S. State Department for a "Peace Process Support Network" program to "promote non-violent . We will have the best of both worlds: we will keep our money and we will have access to the coast. Still, its important to acknowledge that the strings do exist, and that there is a limit to the control Soros is willing to cede. Nothing mentioned is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If conservatives do so with Soros, progressives have their own set of donors whom they demonizesuch as the Koch brothers, and more recently, Robert Mercerthough, in general, progressive conspiracies involving conservative benefactors tend to be more closely tethered to reality. We are making such material available to our readers under the provisions of fair use in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, health, economic and social issues. Yes, the Atlantic Council is a den of vipers, and they have now entrenched themselves into the Albertan battle cry for separation, and Wexit is their poison! Soros provided an additional $3 million in support of eight strategic advisory groups within the National Reform Council, and its one hundred experts drafted eighty reform bills in education, healthcare, deregulation, energy security, decentralization, administrative reform, and e-governance. As the global community continues to grapple with the coronavirus (COVID-19), the Atlantic Council is open for business. Even with all those apparent black marks, the force has raised the possibility of a departure with an extended severance, funding for his education and a clean service record. The philanthropist has always been a figure fit for abusethe term was coined by an ancient Greek dramatist to describe Prometheus, whom the gods tortured for the crime of bringing fire to mankind. Subscribe to our evening newsletter to stay informed during these challenging times!! Our programs and centers deliver in-depth, highly relevant issue briefs and reports that break new ground, shift opinions, and set agendas on public policy, with a focus on advancing debates by integrating foundational research and analysis with concrete policy solutions. Taylor has written Ukraine policy pieces with the organizations director and analysis articles published by the Council, Breitbart reports. While Wexits founders are hell bent on establishing the narrative that theyre an anti-globalist party from the west, it should come as no surprise that Peter Downing and co. are, as of late, re-posting corporate news articles written by Diane Francis(pictured) to their social media. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. Image: On November 12, 2015, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko awarded philanthropist George Soros the Order of Freedom to acknowledge his personal contribution, and that of his International Renaissance Foundation, to the establishment of a new, democratic, and European Ukraine. Not only are conspiracy theories often deliberately employed by authoritarians to undermine grassroots activism, but they also muddle discussions about the immense power philanthropists actually do wield, crowding out valid concerns about the role mega-donors now play in shaping society. There is a particular irony to all these attacks. His columns appear at, and Rau said one of the photos depicted a Nazi shooting a Jew, who was holding a child, in the back. His IRF doled out more than $100 million to Ukrainian NGOs two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, creating the preconditions for Ukraines independence from Russia in 1991. The Atlantic Society, funded by Burisma, also receives funding from the George Soros Open Society Foundations. Aaron Klein at Breitbart reported yesterday - Even though the [whistleblower] statement was written in first person - "multiple document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The more information that comes forward it all shows the interference of George Soros and the I relish confronting harsh reality, and I am drawn to tackling seemingly insoluble problems, he wrote. A billboard in Budapest, Hungary, with an image ofthe philanthropist George Soros on it. Soros details, I am prepared to invest up to 1 billion in Ukrainian businesses. Francis is an American-born propagandist who has been the editor of Canadas National Post magazine since the late 90s. The Council is funded by and partners with Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that paid Joe Bidens son Hunter $83,000 a month to serve as a consultant, despite the younger Biden having no experience whatsoever in the energy industry. Its the product of two trends, one domestic and the other international. Soros suggests that he intends to create this visible demonstration through his initiatives, such as using the Soros-funded National Reform Council, a body organized by presidential decree which allows the Ukrainian president to push bills through Ukraines legislature. Thank you, for your continuous crusade for the democratic future of a country that is not even your own. Before becoming Liberias President, she worked for Soros directly as chair of his Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA). MENASource offers the latest news from across the Middle East, combined with commentary by contributors, interviews with emerging players, multi-media content, and independent analysis from fellows and staff. UkraineAlert is a comprehensive online publication that provides regular news and analysis on developments in Ukraines politics, economy, civil society, and culture. (That idea may seem unrelated to the words roots, but the conceptual link is that both bold social reforms and modern philanthropic foundations are premised on the inadequacy of modest, intimate, small-scale charitable donations to address the worlds most pressing problems.) God forbid that one should settle for globalist pretty boy and his ilk. 2023 Atlantic Council Ill take my chances and separate from the place of my birth Montreal now the asshole of Canada because Quebec has too much of a voice for one province filled with Francophones and after beating them on the plains of Abraham have deceitfully bred their way into owning the province and somehow convinced Canada that they are owed special treatment for reasons unexplained. A tweet from 2015 validates this article and puts some of the pieces together: (3), Peter Downing was a Christian Heritage Party candidate in the 2015 Federal Election; a party which openly campaigns for enacting repressive and radical Christian doctrine as federal law. Despite these obvious ties to globalism, the team at Wexit has absolutely no qualms about having her cheerlead and endorse their cause. It manages ten regional centers and functional programs related to international security and global economic prosperity. Yes. They are republished from a number of sources, and are not produced by MintPress News. This is an attack on India lead by George Soros funded Atlantic Council and Happiness Council. Its up for debate how much sway individuals should have over public policy, but its almost impossible to weigh that question soberly when operating in a conspiratorial register. You accept the use of cookies as per our, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Adrienne Arsht Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, Rafik Hariri Center & Middle East programs, Policy on donor acceptance and disclosure. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Diane Francis also sits on the board of the Atlantic Council, a well-known globalist outfit. IRF proved to be a flexible and quick decision-maker, uniquely well-positioned to mediate among numerous donors and civic groups at the Euromaidan. Not surprising that Adam Schiff would be somehow mired with the likes of George Soros. In times of post-Soviet chaos and socioeconomic turmoil, when former party apparatchiks-turned-businessmen were busy redistributing state wealth and property, Soros wasted no chance to provide assistance to the backbone of Ukraines society: schoolteachers, university professors, and independent scholars. His goal is not sovereignty for Alberta but rather to lay down the foundation for Agenda 2030; an escalation in violence which will lead to a militarized state and the loss of personal liberty. What Does A Rothschild, A Goldman Sachs Top Lawyer And A CIA Agent Have In Common? With the Deep States attempts to first initiate a coup against President Trump via claims of Russian interference in the 2016 election having proven a dismal failure, the defenders of entrenched New World Order globalism in the U.S. government have now turned to Ukraine in a second attempt to oust the despised outsider in the White House. So it is no surprise that the Council is thoroughly engaged in Ukraine. Soros told the TV moderator, There was no sense that I shouldnt be there, because that waswell, actually, in a funny way, its just like in marketsthat if I werent thereof course, I wasnt doing it, but somebody else would., This is the same morality apparently behind Soros activities in Ukraine today. Team Biden adopted nearly everything in that Soros-Atlantic Council report.""I believe now, that report gave birth to the Disinformation Go. A few months before the 2019 federal election, Peter Downing made the news again when he clashed with a nudist cyclists group in Edmonton. Such tariff increases would hurt U.S. consumers, U.S. workers, and U.S. companies, the letter said, Reuters reported. Lee B is drinking a La Blonde by Brasserie du Mont Blanc at Le Dahu - Htels-Chalets de Tradition. (16)(17), Downingsrallies feature theCanadian flaghungupside downand promises to kickNewfoundlanders andMaritimersout of the oil patch. Earned the Hopped Down (Level 33) badge! If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than fair use you must request permission from the copyright owner. In his Wexit utopia,oiljobs will bereservedforbona fideAlbertans only.(18). According to Benardo, he has rarely exercised that authority, but it exists nonetheless. Early-modern uses of the word philanthropy referred not to large-scale giving but rather to promoting a set of egalitarian, universal values. Canada) through bilateral or regional agreements, and that States of transit have the right to protect their legitimate interests; these rights are not absolute and a possible independent country would have to talk to the other state, which would be Canada. If you enjoyed this article wed really appreciate a quick share. Dont destroy your province! In March, a group of GOP senators asked Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to investigate the extent to which U.S. funds were being given to OSF, allowing it to impress left-leaning policies on sovereign nations, regardless of their desire for self-determination. (The State Department declined to look into it). This sham is like a sequel from the players who brought us the Steele Dossier! 01 May 2023 00:49:31 And Atlantic Council personnel are front and center in the effort. Further investigation has revealed that Crowdstrike has deep ties to a think tank which has a history of pay to play practices and a track record of seeking to foment confrontation between the United States and Russia. All rights reserved. Its just about buyer beware controlled opposition people will steer a movement into the rock at the critical moment. He has published prolifically in the international press, calling for a new Marshall Plan for Ukraine and urging EU and US leadership to Save the New Ukraine and Keep the Spirit of the Maidan Alive. He also invested $1 million in Ukraines economy and encouraged others to do so, despite high risks. After the Orange Revolution, Ukraines civil society mistakenly presumed there would be no backsliding to authoritarianism. Downing was convicted of those charges last summer and last month lost an appeal. (2), Extended severance, paid education, and a clean service record for a convicted felon? Other eye-opening Council corporate partners include Thomson Reuters, Penguin Random House and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Before her presidency she had been well-indoctrinated into the Western free market game, studying economics at Harvard and working for the US-controlled World Bank in Washington and the Rockefeller Citibank in Nairobi. Some experts argued that IRF and other foundations were disconnected with reality and only worked with a narrow circle of traditional suspects, or the so-called NGO-cracy, whose leaders were busy networking with Western embassies rather than engaging with citizens. Thats just how we function. As Benardo explains, Soross governing philosophy insists on the primacy of local knowledge: Thats why we have a surfeit of boards. If Soros is a puppet master, then hes given his marionettes some pretty long strings. Soros NRC in effect is the vehicle to allow the President to override parliamentary debate to push through reforms, with the declared first priority being privatization of Naftogaz and raising gas prices drastically to Ukrainian industry and households, something the bankrupt country can hardly afford. So the noble and selfless defenders who "have worked over the years to build and strengthen the US-Ukrainian strategic partnership" fear that releasing recordings of their Ukraine political machinations "will only erode the bilateral relationship and alienate our countries from one another" - I detect a whiff of defensive contradiction here, particularly since the investigation appears to be devoid of the heretofore quid-pro-quo element: both governments want to investigate what happened - which is in keeping with a mutual support treaty between them. It has been long known that the Atlantic Council, A Soros-connected think tank in Washington, D.C., is funded by the very 'Burisma' group of companies in Ukraine that famously funded Hunter Biden as a board member, among other payments. Ive been asking since last year, what was Schiff doing in the Ukraine at the end of September 2019. he is a high level member of Soros' Atlantic Council. The Atlantic Council is grateful for the generous financial support it received in . The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes. CNN gave a six-figure donation to the Atlantic Council in 2018. George Soros is clearly a devotee of public-private-partnership. Only here the public gets fleeced to enrich private investors like Mr. Soros and friends. He also calls on the EU to give Ukraine an annual aid sum of 11 billion via a special EU borrowing facility. The termination letter, which Rau distributed to media on Friday, pointed out that Rau had never been asked to operate the Pride bus and was specifically advised he would not be assigned to it., The letter also says Rau falsely accused the city of fabricating a driving complaint against him in order to sabotage him. (35) A council that is staffed with former Chretien, Harper and United Nations enthusiasts! The La Motte-Servolex surface is 29.85 km . 725. In his letter to Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk, Soros hints that he played a key role in selection of three key non-Ukrainian ministersNatalia Jaresko, an American ex- State Department official as Finance Minister; Aivras Abromavicius of Lithuania as Economics Minister, and a health minister from Georgia. Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky continues to buy favor with his support for the Atlantic Council, a Washington think tank, NPR reported on Oct. 4. The Wexit Movement is also seeking help from the United Nations. At the time, the hedge-fund maverick placed a bet against the Hong Kong dollar as the former British colony was getting ready to become part of China. (36), The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! George Soros might as well have been focus-grouped to attract the various antipathies that have long swirled around philanthropy. You must be logged in to post a comment Even if philanthropic bogeymen are not real, there still might be good reasons to fear the dangers they actually pose. This dynamic has recently been on display in the country of Soross birth, Hungary, where the ruling party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbn (who, in his youth, benefited from a Soros-funded fellowship to study at Oxford), recently spent $21 million on billboard ads against liberalizing immigration policies, some featuring a menacing photo of the philanthropist and the caption Dont Let George Soros Have the Last Laugh. (21) So how far can Wexit proceed without Canada? Required fields are marked *. (24), Jesse Rau was also running for the Christian Heritage Party in the Calgary Signal Hill Riding in 2015 (12), and in 2017 he posted a You Tube video about his truck being vandalized by ANTIFA; he can be seen sporting brass knuckles while advertising how his church can help teach people how to be men.(13), On November 4 2019, a few days after he hosted a Wexit rally in Edmonton wearing a blue Make Alberta Great Again hat, Peter Downing filed paperwork with Elections Canada to certify Wexit Alberta as a federal party. Draft. The ruling coalition, he argues, has yet to live up to the expectations of the public and reaffirmcommitment to the new Ukraine.. Obama's administration has nothing to worry about. released twitter files that showed how Atlantic Council funded by likes of Soros & Bezos sent a list of 40,000 handles for banning to twitter. //-->, Murdoch, God and Satan; Hanson calls Carlsons firing an emotional miscalculation, Trump lawyers: DOJ handled his White House exit abnormally and with aggressive combativeness, Hunter Biden finally called to account in Bill Clintons home state, Conservatives beat back Klaus Schwab's attempt to install his acolyte in Paraguay, Arizona election integrity group video: Thousands of fraudulent ballot signatures in 2020, 2022 elections, After Tucker's departure, Fox News prime time ratings collapse on all shows, Update: JPMorgan the winner, taxpayers the loser in latest major bank failure, After Tuckers departure, Fox News prime time ratings collapse on all shows, Judge blocks Illinois assault weapons ban, Atlantic Council has many links to latest anti-Trump coup, Check out the globalist think tank behind latest anti-Trump coup. Peter Downing, worked in both St. Albert and Morinville and remains on administrative leave after a lengthy suspension related to criminal charges of uttering threats. Soros has become one of the worlds most ardent advocates of the new Ukraine, the article states. Also discussed at length is connection between the Ukrainian Atlantic Council to the DNC, Clintons, NATO, Evelyn Farkas, George Soros, and the globalist gangsters. Pam Barker The International Court of Justice in the Hague decide that Chile was not obligated to enter into talks with Bolivia. Once in office, President Sirleaf opened the doors for Soros to take over major Liberian gold and base metals assets along with his partner, Nathaniel Rothschild. AtlanticCouncil Advisory Board has Shaukat Aziz as lead member . All while being part of the same globalist circle. A weekly column by Atlantic Council President and CEO Frederick Kempe, Inflection Points focuses on the global challenges facing the United States and how to best address them. Soros made this clear in a telling paragraph in an autobiographical essay in which he highlighted Open Societys reliance on local knowledge and his willingness to defer to the judgments of local boards. Soros also calls for supplying lethal arms to Ukraine and secretly training Ukrainian army personnel in Romania to avoid direct NATO presence inUkraine. In 1984, he established a foundation in Hungary to cultivate the shoots of liberalism growing beneath Communist frost; his philanthropy provided copying machines, for instance, that allowed anti-Communist activists to print samizdat literature. The Ukrainian government opened an investigation into the Biden/Poroshenko tapes last week. For more information, please read an update from our President and CEO. UkraineAlert sources analysis and commentary from a wide-array of thought-leaders, politicians, experts, and activists from Ukraine and the global community. Sign up to receive expert analyses from our community on the most important global issues, rapid insights on events as they unfold, and highlights of the Council's best work. We had a sneaking suspicion about this Peter Downing character who is leading the Wexit movement and owns all the Wexit pages and sites. Almost 50 percent of CEUs 650 alumni from Ukraine serve in the government, international organizations, and academia.
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