Even irreligious people are profoundly influenced by religious ideas, practices, and power. Each had its own contribution to the region. Geography influences the development of the people who occupy given areas. One of the ways to understand religion is through geography. My own book Sacred Worlds: an introduction to Geography and Religion, was published in 1994. This allowed China to develop independently without any outside influences. Oftentimes, people with a shared heritage share cultural, religious, and ethnic characteristics. Why did geography study the spread of Christianity on a worldwide scale? 1 (April): 21-39. Investigating this particular example offers a good case study for the usefulness of geography of religion as both a theory (geography shapes religions) and as a method (geographical contextualization allows us to see that religious traditions always are a product of both place and time). What are various methods available for deploying a Windows application? There followed a century of decline and decrepitude, as China found itself relatively helpless in the face of a foreign onslaught. How did geography affect religious events and development in the country? For many in these collectivist societies, one's religion is determined by the culture and reinforced through family legacy. These two seas are also connected to each other by the Strait of Taiwan that runs along the small section of coastline between China and Taiwan. In the past, it was common for entire peoples to convert as a whole when their leaders converted. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. 3. How did geography affect religious events and development in West She attended the Business school at the University of Houston where she received her Bachelor's in Business Administration. How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia,in the Indian subcontinent and in China? The War also scared off other civilizations like Rome, Arabians, and Persians. flashcard sets. In the Asian country of Israel, Judaism is dominant. However, the other world religions can be easily separated from ethnicity. In his article, Haddad was the first to make the provocative but unsubstantiated claim that the cults of these georgic saints is a continuation, with variations, of the cults of the Baals of ancient Syria (Haddad 1969, 22), referring to the millennia-long regionally dominant figure of the Syro-Canaanite storm-god, Baal-Hadad, as well as to Baals regional syncretic manifestations. It explores the ways in which religion, its symbols, rites, beliefs and hopes have shaped the world in which we live. in the geography-religion interface. There are a variety of ways to observe the relationship between religion and geography. For example, ISIS terrorists often invoked the Crusades, which ran from 1095 to 1271, in their campaign to establish an Islamic state in the 2010s. The island province of Taiwan, which has been under separate administration since 1949, is discussed in the article Taiwan. By having faith,we can grow our relationship in God,not only that,we can also get closer to God,not only by lacking faith,but also having faith.d. With more than 4,000 years of recorded history, China is one of the few existing countries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization. These kinds of weather patterns and water resources distinctly have shaped Levantine religious notions and practices, as well. The Gobi Desert spans roughly 1,000 miles across central Asia and can be divided into five sub-regions: the Eastern Gobi Desert steppe, the Alashan plateau, the Gobi Lakes Valley desert steppe, Dzungarian Basin semi-desert, and the Tian Shan range. Geography does not only affect particular religions system, such as the world's major faiths, are located but it can affect how specific beliefs are practiced and attitude. The geography of religion also takes account of the relationship between religion and ethnicity. China has many natural barriers that affected the country's development and created four distinct regions. All rights reserved. This influence exists in a religious culture for as long as geography can be said to be the most influential factor impacting everyday life. The Exodus & Other Movements of the Ancient Hebrew Peoples, Social Structure in Early China | Main Social Classes of Early China, Farming in Ancient China: Lesson for Kids, Political & Cultural Issues in Confucius' Time, The Han Dynasty in China: Characteristics, Wu Ti & Xiongnu, Geography of Early Settlements in Egypt, Kush & Canaan, Transportation in Ancient China: Lesson for Kids, Political Contributions of the Han Dynasty, Huang-He River Valley | Civilizations, Geography & Dynasties, Influence of Geographic Factors on Politics in East Asia. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Centripetal & Centrifugal Forces in Geopolitics. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Hinnels, John R., ed. The diversity of both Chinas relief and its climate has resulted in one of the worlds widest arrays of ecological niches, and these niches have been filled by a vast number of plant and animal species. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. If you want to understand the origins of yogic texts and practices within Hindu religious traditions, you must seek to contextualize their emergence by investigating the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for the 4th-century CE religious, political, and geographical (relating to place) conditions that combined to influence their development. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . It should not be surprising, then, that religion has often been accompanied by force. The second tropical rainforest is the Xishuangbanna in the Yunnan Province, located on the southwest tip of China. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. - Biography, Facts & Accomplishments, German Luftwaffe in WW2: Definition & Ranks, The Munich Conference of 1938: Definition & Overview, Working Scholars Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Supported by: China is a country located in east Asia.It has very diverse geographical features across the country, from many seas and mountains to deserts and tundra. Modern Westerners believe there is a difference between religion and culture. Whatever the case may be, geographers will be there to note the relationships between religiosity, politics, and culture. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 China's main tropical rainforest is found in the Hainan Province. History also plays a major role in shaping the geography of religion. China has a coastline of over 10,000km. The most obvious change in political institutions was that the old feudal structure was replaced by systems of incipient bureaucracy under monarchy. Geography may be part of the answer. Example: Sacred religious texts can divide people who interpret them differently, even if they are purported to be of the same faith. Geographical Culture Overview & Factors | How Does Geography Affect Culture? 2010. The Himalayan Mountains have the highest elevation in the world, with Mt. Indirect Effects of Geography on Language Development. There are several different regions of the desert, ranging from having very cold climates to very hot climates, but there is a severe lack of water throughout the whole desert. This is an indication of the influence that geography has on religion. Some regions can reach very high temperatures, while others can reach very low temperatures, but all of these regions lack water. Geography of Religion as A Theory: Geography Shapes Religion "Geography is far more important in the study of religions than is generally appreciated. The interaction of culture and geography is called human geography, which is the study of peoples language, religion, medicine, economics and entertainment and how these practices have been influenced by their location. In old Norse mythology, Fimbulvetr (Fimbulwinter or great winter) is the harsh winter that precedes the end of the world. Why do you think that people ignore Jesus?explain your answer.2. Specifically, it was Asia Minor(or Anatolia), which is now modern-day Turkey, became the landbridge between Europe and Asia. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. The phenomenon of local communities of Jews, Christians, and Muslims venerating Elijah, St. George, and al-Khir in the Eastern Mediterranean for at least the past 800 years is inextricable from the cultural and geographical contexts of the Eastern Mediterranean. Charlemagne, crowned Holy Roman Emperor, executed thousands of pagans who refused to convert to Christianity. Map Showing the Location of the Seas off the Eastern Coast of China. PDF RELIGION AND GEOGRAPHY - Lancaster University We need faith because we lack faith.c. Similarly, when the Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan accepted Islam, thousands of nomadic Turkic bands followed him into the faith. 2007. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns. I feel like its a lifeline. Returning to the major example of this article, the characteristics shared by Elijah, St. George, and al-Khir in the Eastern Mediterranean long have been considered peculiar when those figures were studied solely as products of their respective religious traditions; i.e., when they were studied from within a world religions paradigm. In the part of human beings lives in _____ with environment a) Care b) co-operation c) Happily d) Harmony. Thus, China grew independently with lesser external influence on its cultural growth. The cold temperatures also kept Ancient China from expanding to the North. They also had interaction with Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Srilanka, and Singapore. Schwemer, Daniel. History does not show that people are naturally tolerant. Religion helps people understand life's purpose. In China, the fertile land and abundant resources led to the development of complex agricultural societies, which in turn led to the development of polytheistic and animistic religions such as Taoism and Confucianism. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Geography is important to China because they have many natural barriers. There are also many seas that border China. Find an answer to your question How did geography affect religious event and development in West Asia in the Indian subcontinent and in chaina. Civilization began in China along the Huang he and Chang Jiang rivers. Assistant Professor, Religious Studies Pretend that you are a geographer studying religion. This would constitute apostasy, a crime which is punishable by death. Where did civilization begin. Geography can influence the shaping of culture, religion, politics, and the economy of a country or a region. China, Chinese (Pinyin) Zhonghua or (Wade-Giles romanization) Chung-hua, also spelled (Pinyin) Zhongguo or (Wade-Giles romanization) Chung-kuo, officially Peoples Republic of China or Chinese (Pinyin) Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo or (Wade-Giles romanization) Chung-hua Jen-min Kung-ho-kuo, country of East Asia. It does not store any personal data. Another way in which we can see the effects of geography on religious narratives, figures, motifs, metaphors, and structures in this example, in the area of the Levant is through the notion of agrarian religion, first identified and coined by James Grehan in his 2014 book, Religious traditions are always a product of both time and place. Similarly, religious groups may have disputes related to historical land ownership. Religious traditions are always a product of both time and place. This manner of organization and study focuses on discrete, comprehensive traditions, and normative beliefs and practices (Knott 2010, 478). This makes it very difficult to leave one's church. Two very different approaches have been adopted in recent work - 'religious geography' and . Geography has played a significant role in the development and spread of religions in West Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and China. She has a Master's degree in History. Omissions? However, liberalism is far from the ''default position'' of human life. 2008. 168 lessons She is an instructional designer, educator, and writer. For example, in Yemen, it is illegal to convert from Islam to another religion. | 11 2014. Influence of geography on language development can be of many types: 1. Using a Different Lens: Geography of Religion. By Erica Ferg To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. Geography, Space and the Sacred. In The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion, 2nd ed., 476491. Probably the single most identifiable characteristic of China to the people of the rest of the world is the size of its population. Geography has played a significant role in the development and spread of religions in West Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and China. 2008. 1: 144. Thus, the study of religion is a fruitful and important areas of inquiry. Beijing (Peking), the capital of the Peoples Republic, is also the cultural, economic, and communications centre of the country. 8 Why do dominant languages continue to spread around the world? She has been a classroom teacher for more than 16 years and currently works at an international baccalaureate middle school located in Houston, TX. After all, how can people with different values live together peacefully? The development and spread of Islamic cultures - Khan Academy God.c. Across the Gobi Desert, temperatures contrast greatly depending on the region of desert. Language shift can be described as a diffusion process in accordance with physical diffusionas spread of the dominant language and resulting retreat of the minority language. Throughout the second half of the second millennium BCE and the first millennium BCE, Baal-Hadad often was named the patron deity of particular cities, inspiring local epithets of Baal-Hadad that linked him with those cities (e.g., Baal of Tyre, Baal of Aleppo). But geography does have a distinct shaping influence on religion. How did geography affect religious event and development in - Brainly Tropical Rainforest - Hainan Province, China. According to Alberto R.W. Among the major countries of the world, China is surpassed in area by only Russia and Canada, and it is almost as large as the whole of Europe. China's physical geography made farming possible but travel and communication difficult. How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia, in the Indian subcontinent, and in China 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement garciajessa072 garciajessa072 Answer: it will affect their belief but still i don't know . The much drier, cooler climate in the eastern part of China brought much famine and drought in ancient times. Extremists who want to justify violence usually do so by cherry-picking passages of religious texts. In addition to laws, social norms have a huge impact on religious practice. The Romans before him waged extermination campaigns against Christians who would not bow to the emperor. Wright --University of Arizona, Center for Judaic Studies Despite that, much of the Levant falls within the 400 mm (12 inches) isohyet, and most of the region generally receives, therefore, sufficient annual rainfall to enable the cultivation of rainfall or rain-fed agriculture. Quiz. However, the political interest was more on internal land than water. China's geography is very diverse. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Additionally, it guide people in the use of their limited time on Earth. The Plateau of Tibet lies just southeast of the Himalayan Mountains and extends north to the Kunlun Mountains. And these motifs extend even further back in time. Geography, of course, does not drive religious belief. Example: If your region is filled with a lot of yoga studios, there may be a high Buddhist population in the area. These religions emphasized the importance of living in harmony with nature and the cycles of life, which was well suited to the agricultural way of life.
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