France lost all its possessions on the mainland of North America Creoles people of spanish blood who were born in America. a. Peace between the emperor and Spain was not concluded until the Treaty of The Hague (February 1720). V. Lutheranism: August 1589, Henry III assassinated by crazy monk F. Only "sacraments" were Baptism and the Eucharist (were only a symbol of God's presence). under -- he denounced the Pope for involvement in politics as well as religion. E. the middle class wished to run their religious affairs as they handled their new businesses. 1715 Peace of Utrecht FREDERICK THE GREAT (PRUSSIA) 1740-1786 1740-1748 War of Austrian Succession 1800- Combination Act FERDINAND & ISABELLA 1474-1504 1478 Inquisition AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION 17th-19th Century proto- . They were the lucrative West African slave trade. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. - rebuilt armies come back and win at Battle of Poltava (1709) Two peace treaties that in 1714 ended ongoing European conflicts following the War of the Spanish Succession. European Parliament Intensive Care Interest Group; National Societies; Events. -standing army increased from 38k to 83k Ch. 4: Age of Religious Wars (AP EURO) Quiz - Quizizz -reduces Bohemian Estates (noble assemblies) Peace Of Utrecht | AP Euro Chapter 19 Flashcards | Quizlet France's Eastern Borders w/ German States, Louis XIV revokes Edict of Nantes -- Cardinal Richelieu (machiavellian pragmatist) Janvier 1710, "The Peace of Utrecht and the Balance of Power", "Rethinking Mercantilism: Political Economy, The British Empire and the Atlantic World in the 17th and 18th Centuries", "Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht between Spain and Great Britain", Africa, Its Geography, People, and Products, "A Collection of Treaties Between Great Britain and Other Powers", David Backhouse, "Tory Tergiversation In The House of Lords, 17141760", "The peace of Utrecht and the balance of power", "The Origins of National Debt: The Financing and Re-financing of the War of the Spanish Succession",, Convention for the Evacuation of Catalonia, Peace, Alliance and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht, Adjusted Peace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht, Navigation and Commerce Treaty of Utrecht, Adjusted Commerce and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht, Explanatory Peace and Commerce Treaty of Madrid, This page was last edited on 15 April 2023, at 02:22. -created strong central bureaucracy -- built Versailles (keep the nobles under his watchful eyes!) - Catholic HRE, Lutherans, Calvinists ** In emergencies= House of Orange takes Over***, Trade: Religious toleration, Bank of Amsterdam, finishing+ merchant fleet (offered lowest shipping rates, largest merchant marine, and depended less on export than transport, ~Dutch East India Company in 1602: private trading company he improved Fr. . The party in the administration of Robert Harley (created Earl of Oxford and Mortimer on 23 May 1711) and the Viscount Bolingbroke proved more flexible at the bargaining table and were characterized by the Whigs as "pro-French"; Oxford and Bolingbroke persuaded the Queen to create twelve new "Tory peers"[27] to ensure ratification of the treaty in the House of Lords. -- Henry VIII of England's defiance of papal power. The French negotiator Melchior de Polignac taunted the Dutch with the scathing remark de vous, chez vous, sans vous,[28] meaning that negotiations would be held "about you, around you, without you". Peace of Westphalia Signed in 1648; deadliest war in Europe; re establishes peace of Augsburg; puts end to religious warfare for the most part; creates power of diplomacy, doesn't let anyone get too powerful Absolutism Total power of a monarch with no governing body, set of laws, to answer to (Conservatism) Versailles Jean Bodin, a French writer and political theorist, believed that sovereign power consisted of the authority to make laws, tax, administer justice, control the state's administrative system, and determine foreign policy. Habsburg-Valois Wars. maintain a strong monarchy, standing army, efficient tax structures, large bureaucracy, and a more Treaty of Westphalia (1648). -no Huguenot churches, schools The European Central Bank (ECB) is charged with conducting monetary policy for the 19 countries that participate in the European Monetary Union, and use the euro as their common currency. Apr 13, 1598 . [32], First mentioned in 1701 by Charles Davenant in his Essays on the Balance of Power, it was widely publicised in Britain by author and Tory satirist Daniel Defoe in his 1709 article A Review of the Affairs of France. -Seeks illegal sources of revenue stadholder. [10], Great Britain was the main beneficiary; Utrecht marked the point at which it became the primary European commercial power. The Holy Roman emperor Charles VI, in what is considered the end of the War of the Spanish Succession, concluded peace with France in the Treaties of Rastatt and Baden (March 6, 1714 and Sept. 7, 1714; see Rastatt and Baden, Treaties of). I. (money in art--a large part was ~ Peace of Utrecht-Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite - Spanish Netherlands, Milan, Naples given to Austria . PDF The Peace Of Utrecht A Historical Review Of The Great Treaty Of 1713 14 The former Spanish Netherlands, the Kingdom of Naples, Sardinia, and the bulk of the Duchy of Milan went to Emperor Charles VI. Philip V . Peace of Utrecht - Wikipedia \hline 1 & \$ 800 \\ -- the capitalist entrepreneur could now operate without the restrictions imposed by the urban guilds. -- became unpopular because of his open Catholicism and return to absolute rule. - Conventicle Act of 1593: conform to English Church or face exile/death, Deterioration w/ Spanish Relations: - Prepared a document about the ongoing European Union's cooperation in Colombia. - Europe fears United Spanish/French crown Agriculture Introduction With the exception of Holland, at least 80 percent of the people of all western European countries drew their livelihoods from agriculture In 1700 European agriculture was much more ancient and medieval In crisis years, when crops were ruined by drought or flood, starvation forced people to use substitutes . -Turkish Army laid Siege to Vienna 1683 -> peak Muslims in Europe News; Article reviews; Podcasts; esicm-tv; Sections; Coronavirus - Public health . \text { Year }(t) & \text { Cash flow } \\ Peace of Utrecht-Ends War of Spanish Succession: 1713: Watt's Steam Engine: 1760: The Wealth of Nations: 1776: . Chapter 14 AGE OF EXPANSION Gustavus Adolphus (1594-1632) - Duke of Alva (1508-1582 - Armada (1588) - Vasco de Balboa-Christopher Columbus- Concordat of Bologna (1516 - Peace of Augsburg. In the treaty with the Dutch, France agreed that the United Provinces should annex part of Gelderland and should retain certain barrier fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. -- religious unity considered necessary to strengthen his rule. That same day, Spain, Great Britain, France and the Empire agreed to the evacuation of Catalonia and an armistice in Italy. The House of Hanover succeeded to the British throne and the former Spanish territories in Italy were ceded to the Habsburgs. ~ Defenestration at Prague: regents out window of palace -- the right of the citizen to rebel against a government that violated these basic human rights. -- strengthened the army. -- effects of his reign: he tried to make France more powerful. aristocracy. Corrections? Though the king of France ensured the Spanish crown for his dynasty, the treaties marked the end of French ambitions of hegemony in Europe expressed in the continuous wars of Louis XIV, and paved the way to the European system based on the balance of power. order to produce more capital. Skip to document. The War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) was a European conflict triggered by the death of the last Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, in 1700. - Little industry/ agriculture, peasants ruined by taxation, not modern, Contributing Factors: I. mass education. 100 Years' War Ends . Alexander VI, Rodrigo Borgia) D. scientific method --> experimentation; observation; hypothesis. [24], The treaty's territorial provisions did not go as far as the Whigs in Britain would have liked, considering that the French had made overtures for peace in 1706 and again in 1709. The Peace of Utrecht will be marked with events throughout Europe, but not so here. E. utilitarianism (Bentham) --> laws created for the common good and not for special interests. The peace was negotiated, from 1644, in the Westphalian towns of Mnster and Osnabrck. 1638: Scots sign Solemn League and Covenant (pledge to defend Calvinism) -- Puritan Republic. B. Charles I (1625-1649) Nations were looking for new trade routes which led to new explorations. The Major Themes of the Era: -peasants in 25 year stints of service -Russia -Abolished monarchy, House of Lords and Anglican Church -Maintained political control over Catholic Church (appointments), Louis moved against perceived weakness of German States A. mercantilism --> the colony existed for the benefit of the mother country; a monpolistic global eco. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. C. increase in world trade. The Netherlands was home to a number of talented artists and writers, and the country's prosperity allowed for a flourishing arts scene. 1. mercantile practices or spirit; commercialism 2. Anglicanism: The Peace of Utrecht: why Britain is forgetting to remember K. The Church is subordinate to and the agent of civil authority. PDF AP Euro Full Timeline - In the treaty with Savoy, France recognized Victor Amadeus II, duke of Savoy, as king of Sicily and that he should rule Sicily and Nice. Negotiations at Utrecht dragged on into the next year, for the peace treaty between Spain and the Netherlands was only signed on 26 June 1714 and that between Spain and Portugal on 6 February 1715. Main Themes: 17c England: (see notes on the sheet regarding the evolution of Parliament) Subjects: ap european history midterm . \end{array} The Economy of the Commercial Revolution: The treaty with Portugal recognized its sovereignty on both banks of the Amazon River. (Lord Protector) The peace treaties involving Spain took longer to arrange. -Defeat in Central Europe forced Austria to turn east + Consolidate rule Absolutism | AP Euro 4 Idiots - Spanish Netherlands, Milan, Naples given to Austria as the "Age of the Aristocracy". (1337-1453) Long series of wars between France and England. Religious Wars of the late 16c & Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) -Britain -- goals: SIR THOMAS MORE --> expressed idea of communal living; no class distinctions; no unemployment; no competition; everyone living and working together; defied ~1559: Appoints half-sister as Regent-> Inquisition+ raise taxes ~ defender of Anglican Church, Distrusted Puritans (Calvinists) -creates first real Russian Navy + special forces of Cossack, Reforms Central Gov't, Military, and Civil Administration: In the 17th century, the Dutch Republic was the leading commercial power in Europe, with Amsterdam serving as Europes financial center. -Seen as sympathetic to Catholics (alliance w/ Spain), Puritans: seek to purify Anglican Church from Pope+ Bishops, -Parliament passes Petition of Right (1628) to control King VI. -Grand Alliance of England, Dutch, Austrians and Prussians -- economic and financial policies Thus, the Dutch Republic was really more of an oligarchy, with power concentrated in the hands of wealthy merchants. AP European History Timeline | Preceden B. John Locke -2nd Fronde (1650-1652) crushed due to infighting of nobles, France Reaches Absolutist Development France was terribly beaten in these conflicts, and . 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. One of the first questions discussed was the nature of the guarantees to be given by France and Spain that their crowns would be kept separate, and little progress was made until 10 July 1712, when Philip signed a renunciation. -fortified cities forbidden in earlier movement w/ Richelieu - Nobility exempted from taxes, *Major Sign of Fallen Status: Taking loans from Portugal, ended with: ~ belief 2 religions couldn't coexist in the same state B. Predestination ("the elect"). Set a timer for 45 minutes. [5] Reluctantly the United Provinces accepted the preliminaries and sent representatives, but Emperor Charles VI refused to do so until he was assured that the preliminaries were not binding. B. HistoryNotes-12-5-05 - History Notes - 12/5/05 * Section - Course Hero [33] While the war left all participants with unprecedented levels of government debt, only Great Britain successfully financed it. ~ 1653: nobles given freedom from taxation, control over peasants in exchange for reduced role on politics J. legal / penal reforms --> Beccaria, Bentham. Happened during the Nine Years' War. The agreements that concluded the War of the Spanish Succession, often collectively referred to as the Peace of Utrecht, include the twenty-three treaties signed from January 1713 to February 1715 and that between Austria and Spain in 1725, prompting one contemporary to note that Utrecht "like the peace of God, [was] beyond human understanding" - Russia becomes Dominant BALTIC POWER, Thirty Years war and weakened power of Estates in German Territories allowed elector to move towards consolidation of power -Philip V, a Bourbon, kept the Spanish throne, but had to renounce his descendants' rights to the French throne It implemented the educational ideas of humanism. Reasserts illegal Calvinism, Catholic safeguards Peace of Augsburg, orders the return of all church lands of Lutherans, Gustavus Adolphus II king of unified Lutheran Nation [citation needed], On 2 January 1710, king Louis XIV of France agreed to commence peace negotiations in Geertruidenberg[es]. Eighteenth-Century Spain 1700-1788 - W.N.Hargreaves- Mawdsley 1979-06-17 A History of the American People - Paul Johnson 1999-02-17 Determined to Westernize Europeanize "backwards Russia", Restructures Military: The Whigs even called the treaty a sellout for letting the duke of Anjou stay on the Spanish throne. -- he committed Fr. Its destructive campaigns and battles occurred over most of Europe, and, when it ended with the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648, the map of Europe had been irrevocably changed. C. decline in papal influence --> nationalistic churches springing up. Players: Valois Kings=Catholic moderates, unwilling compromise -- arbitrary abuse of power (quartering troops, ship money, arbitrary arrests, etc.) IX. - fails unification due to religious differences The fact that Bolingbroke had secretly ordered the British commander, the Duke of Ormonde, to withdraw from the Allied forces before the Battle of Denain (informing the French but not the Allies), and the fact that they secretly arrived at separate peace with France was a fait accompli, made the objections of the Allies pointless. The Treaty of Utrecht that established the Peace of Utrecht, rather than a single document, comprised a series of individual peace treaties signed in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March and April 1713. I. -- costly, inefficient methods of tax collecting (nobility not taxed) -Oligarchy of wealthy merchants (regents) controlled province through States (assemblies) and held all the power Key Concept 1.2 Religious pluralism challenged the concept of a . Spain gets all lands west in other Spanish kingdoms. Spanish territories in Italy and Flanders were divided, with Savoy receiving Sicily and parts of the Duchy of Milan. -continued hereditary office holders -- first to establish the Bourbon family. Euro-> NW: crops, domestic animals, diseases -rebuplican+ middle class values, not aristocratic A. Salvation by faith alone. In 1566, the Netherlands revolted against Spanish rule, officially becoming the independent. -industries owned by Tsar (4/5 revenue went to military/war) D. the Commonwealth (1649-1660) under the Cromwells. Dylan Graves, McAvoy, Period 8. . Although the fate of the Spanish Netherlands in particular was of interest to the United Provinces, Dutch influence on the outcome of the negotiations was fairly insignificant, even though the talks were held on their territory. After the British government gained access to the Asiento de Negros, the economic prominence held by Dutch Sephardic Jewish slaveowners began to fade, while the South Sea Company was established in hopes of gaining exclusive access to the contract. -Revokes religious freedoms of Protestants -> New Laws didn't improve lives by much, introduces African Slaves to labor force, Arrives w/ small pox already there. Instead, the country was divided into a number of independent provinces, each with its own government and laws. F. James II (1685-1688) -1722 institutes TABLE OF RANKS: -- make France the intellectual and political "light" to the rest of the world. Be sure to use parentheses as needed. ~Ferdinand seeks Albrecht of Wallenstien -> brings force to Denmark Enlightenment thinkers felt that change and reason were both possible and desireable for the Austr ian. -- Prime Minister (Robert Walpole, first P. M.), Unfamiliar w/ English customs and tradition: -adopts western dress, manners, style -opposed by England, Spain, Unitecd provinces, Holy Roman Emperor, Sweden and the electors of Bavaria, Saxony and the Palatinate B. Luther appealed to nationalistic feelings in the German states England and France experienced very different political and social developments in the late 17c. A. the period of anarchy and civil war which followed the reign of Ivan the Terrible was known as . [44], While the final settlement at Utrecht was far more favourable to France than the Allied offer of 1709 had been, it gained little that had not already been achieved through diplomacy by February 1701. -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite Peace of Utrecht Las Nava de Tolosa King Alfonso VIII of Castille War of Spanish Succession Phillip II Independent Coalition of States Economic Spanish Armada Golden Age Inflation Columbian Exchange Castille Aragon Leon Antwerp Almahad Banner Mercantilism Loose Confederation Social Humanism Lope de Veje Reconquista Catholic Golden Age Bull Fighting Treaty of the Pyrenees. Instead, the country was divided into a number of independent provinces, each with its own government and laws. Calvinism: Year(t)Cashflow1$800290031,00041,50052,000\begin{array}{cc} (study original sources in the original E. new trade restrictions (ex. The Peace of Westphalia (1648), which marked the effective end of the medieval ideal of universal Christendom, accelerated the decline of the Holy Roman . Nations sought new sources of wealth and new economic theories and practices to deal with This is a missed opportunity to reflect on the long history of our inter-relationship with Europe and the wider world. Ask an Expert. ~1566: Calvinists rampage destruction at forms of religion Politics and Greed overshadowed religion and brought many parties into war. Test: AP European History. [7], Several other treaties came out of the congress of Utrecht. AP Euro - 3.6 Balance of Power | Fiveable - Turks advance into Austria to control the Mediterranean The Dutch were particularly known for their paintings, which were characterized by their attention to detail and realism. [2] British historian G. M. Trevelyan argued that: That Treaty, which ushered in the stable and characteristic period of Eighteenth-Century civilization, marked the end of danger to Europe from the old French monarchy, and it marked a change of no less significance to the world at large, the maritime, commercial and financial supremacy of Great Britain.[3]. Spains treaty with Britain (July 13) gave Gibraltar and Minorca to Britain. This period saw the beginnings of two long-term conflicts--Britain and France over trade and -Growth in wealth -> paid debts + increased population this new-found wealth. The War of the Spanish Succession was occasioned by the failure of the Habsburg king, Charles II of Spain, to produce an heir. Tags: Question 3. Of the following which was the most important result - Course Hero overseas empire and Austria and Prussia over the leadership of Germany. -Austria - divine right: Kings are God's representatives on Earth One of the major reasons for the strong position of England from 1685-1763 lies in the supremacy of the ruler of a land would determine the religion of the land. Nations had the desire for increased world power through their colonial empires. G. tolerance --> a greater acceptance of different societies and cultures. C. secularism --> application of scientific theories to religion and society. [31] Some historians argue this makes it a significant milestone in the evolution of the modern nation state and concept of a balance of power. -- farm families can supplement their incomes. The treaty was preceded by the asiento agreement, by which Spain gave to Britain the exclusive right to supply the Spanish colonies with African slaves for the next 30 years. PDF AP EUROPEAN HISTORY 2007 SCORING GUIDELINES - College Board Ap euro 48 - lecture notes - WARS ANNA TtAEAFiE5s 0 French - Studocu -Puritans fear Catholic revival, Married to Catholic (failed to enforce Anti-Catholic laws), 1637: English order Scots use Anglican Worship service -Peace of Nystadt (1721): [I am the State!] -- evolution of the Cabinet system. A. monarchies resented the Church for not paying any taxes to the nation, but collecting taxes The wars ended in 1713 with peace terms signed at Utrecht. -- Hapsburg interests --> Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Balkans). [29] In any case, the Dutch achieved their condominium in the Austrian Netherlands with the Austro-Dutch Barrier Treaty of 1715. Chapter 18 - The Balance of power in 18th Century Europe - Catholic Church paid no taxes owning 20% of land A. Columbus and the first conquistadores. -Estonia, much of present day Latvia ceded to Russia Political and economic freedom: The Netherlands was a republic during the Dutch Golden Age, and this meant that the government was not controlled by a single ruler or ruling family. LUTHER --> condemned corruption in the Church; believed priests should practice what they preached. d. ~nobility serve the army and the state ~fourth largest army by 1740 -Tried to get approval, but agreements unbinding, -Takes control and visits West (1697-1698) Chapter 4 Outline- AP EURO - The Age of Religious Wars - France loses Gibraltar, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Hudson Bay to England c. It divided the Spanish colonial empire between the French and the British. VII. The Pope was in Rome and was Italian (use of Spanish Inquisition). Centuries - Major Events. 3. As he had reigned over a vast global empire, the question of who would succeed him had long troubled . As Philip was not yet recognized as its king, Spain did not at first send plenipotentiaries, but the Duke of Savoy sent one, and the Kingdom of Portugal was represented by Lus da Cunha. - decreases taxes for nobility -- destruction of Amer-Indian cultures. Religious tolerance and freedom of religion for Catholics, Lutherans, Anabaptist and Jews helped the Dutch avoid the internal religious conflicts of other European nations and contributed to commercial economic growth. A. inflation --> "price revolution". -- Whigs and Tories (distinctions between political party). [46], "Treaty of Utrecht" redirects here. France concluded treaties of peace at Utrecht with Britain, the Dutch republic, Prussia, Portugal, and Savoy. The first treaty signed at Utrecht was the truce between France and Portugal on 7 November, followed by the truce between France and Savoy on 14 March 1714. Brought religious peace to HRE. Basic and lasting changes in education and the image and role of women. -- monopolies abroad (ex: French East India Company) -- never again would British kings be as powerful as Parliament. ~Guise Family (fund by Jesuits) = Ultra-Catholic, destroy protestants, replace monarch -tightens service requirements of nobility as admins for LIFE I. -Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth The Reformation worked in Northern Europe because: Spaniards collected taxes and labor in return for protection, wages, and religion. ~opportunities for non-nobles to join nobility ranks [20] This ultimately proved unenforceable. -reduced power of high nobles (of blood, [NOBLES OF THE SWORD]) JOHN CALVIN --> people already predestined for salvation; success on earth determined place in heaven; hard work and no leisure time were signs of success. - Parliament became more Puritan, sought reform of Anglican church The Idea of the Balance of Power i. . Henry VIII; Catholic martyr. (1555) Treaty in which Charles V allowed regional Princes to dictate the religion of their lands. Finally, with the dominance of shipbuilding and its massive fleet, the Dutch formed the. in Eastern and Western Europe. ~War caused much Hardship and misery in France (Finances) [25] However, in the Parliament of 1710 the Tories had gained control of the House of Commons, and they wished for an end to Great Britain's participation in a European war. (belief total volume of trade is fixed) This system allowed for a great degree of freedom and democracy, and it contributed to the country's prosperity and cultural flourishing. It allowed the unification of the thrones of France and Spain. -- "Men are to be changed by religion, not change it!." - Brandenburg-Prussia most powerful Northern German state -Confirms Philip V King of Spain, but crowns to never unite Calvinists were to be tolerated throughout Europe. Imperialism: expanding your empire These became increasingly important after a series of deaths between 1712 and 1714 left the five year old Louis XV as his great-grandfather's heir. 1713, ended Louis XIV's attempts to gain military power and land. -- Catherine the Great --> expansion of Russian borders in SW; solidifying the power of the Czars; Inadequate priestly education, leading to errors in the Mass . [citation needed], Under Article XIII, Spain agreed to a British demand to preserve Catalan historical rights, in return for Catalan support for the Allies during the war. ~Cromwell dissolves Parliament twice, Protectorate-> Military dictatorship -- encomienda system (Latin America). France ceded Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, the Hudson Bay territory, and the island of St. Kitts to Britain and promised to demolish the fortifications at Dunkirk, which had been used as a base for attacks on English and Dutch shipping. it first had to exercise effective control over territory, declare congo free state under leopold 2 control, estb rules governing race for african colonies, 1919 refused to allow either defeated germany of communist russia to participate in peace confernce negotations, forced germany to sign war-guilt clause that was used to justify imposing large war reparations, change map of europe, create league of nations, germany bitter, 1918 ended bolshevik russia participation in ww1, negotiated by vladmir lenin unwilling to risk bolshevik gains by continuing winless war, nullifed after germanys defeat, 1925 recorded agreement between france and germany to respect mutual frontiers, marked beginning of brief period of reduces tensions among european powers, 1938 created a nonaggression agreement between stalin and hitler stay neutral if one in war, east europe into german and societ zones, 1949 establish north atlantic treaty organization (NATO),implement harry trumans policy of containing soviet union, 1957 created european economic community, generally known as common market, beginning of european economic integration, 1975, ratified european territorial boundries post ww2, establish watch committees to monitor human rights in 35 nations that signed Helsinki accords, high point of cold war, create EU, central bank for european union, AP European History Important Events and Terms, Magruder's American Government, California Edition.
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