He was launch editor of the Metro newspapers, editor of the Scottish Daily Mail, and deputy editor of the Evening Standard. Sep 23. Baldwin's position was now in doubt, but in 1931 Duff Cooper won the key by-election at St George's, Westminster, beating the United Empire Party candidate, Sir Ernest Petter, supported by Rothermere, and this broke the political power of the press barons. The caf owner agreed to supply the footage for 50,000 and asked an IT technician to make the footage accessible again. Features Editor, Scottish edition - Daily Mail - LinkedIn 05/03/23 11:06. [239], In 2015, following the November 2015 Paris attacks, the French police viewed the footage of the attacks from the CCTV system of La Casa Nostra. This detail was then immortalised by John Lennon in The Beatles song "A Day in the Life", along with an account of the death of 21-year-old socialite Tara Browne in a car crash on 18 December 1966, which also appeared in the same issue. Likes. Gardiner, The Times, The Atlantic Monthly, January 1917 page 113, "Mr. Balfour and the 'Suffragettes.' His brother Lord Rothermere took full control of the paper. In December 2017 the Daily Mail published a front-page story entitled "Another human rights fiasco! We pursue a policy of equal opportunities for all employees and potential employees. [53] In 1923, Rothermere published a leader in The Daily Mail entitled "What Europe Owes Mussolini", where he wrote about his "profound admiration" for Mussolini, whom he praised for "in saving Italy he stopped the inroads of Bolshevism which would had left Europe in ruinsin my judgment he saved the entire Western world. Today's Scottish Daily Mail front page #scotpapers Read more . [33]:29 Punch magazine thought the idea preposterous and offered 10,000 for the first flight to Mars, but by 1910 both the Mail's prizes had been won. The, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 15:10. [61], In 1927, Rothermere, under the influence of his Hungarian mistress, Countess Stephanie von Hohenlohe, took up the cause of Hungary as his own, publishing a leader on 21 June 1927 entitled "Hungary's Place in the Sun". Based around a subscription model, the newspaper has the same fonts and feel as the Daily Mail and was set up with investment from Associated Newspapers and editorial assistance from the Daily Mail newsroom. Between 2010 and 2014, it supported the Kapil Siballed reforms to change the undergraduate structure at the University of Delhi. . It is a return to . Registered office: Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, One Central Quay, Glasgow G3 8DA. The paper called for a levy on single use plastic bags. The letter's authenticity has since been questioned. The Mail later removed the description. [48], In 1919, Alcock and Brown made the first flight across the Atlantic, winning a prize of 10,000 from the Daily Mail. History. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. It is the sister paper of the Daily Record and is owned by Reach plc. [94] In 1947, when the Raj ended, the Daily Mail featured a banner headline reading "India: 11 words mark the end of an empire". RT @ReasonedUK: SNP arrests: could Nicola Sturgeon be next? [249] Dr. Matt Jones, the lead author of the study that is cited in the article was quoted by Cannabis Law Reform as saying: "This study does NOT say that one spliff will bring on schizophrenia". [64], One of the major themes of The Daily Mail was the opposition to the Indian independence movement and much of Rothermere's opposition to Baldwin was based upon the belief that Baldwin was not sufficiently opposed to Indian independence. If you wish to contact MailOnline, Daily Mail or The Mail on Sunday, please choose the appropriate tab below. [17] The Daily Mail has also been criticised for its unreliability, its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research,[18][19][20][21] and for instances of plagiarism and copyright infringement. Contacts and information for Scottish Daily Express, the newspaper in the UK, including postal address, email and telephone numbers. Ted spent four years in Ireland where he was launch Editor of the Irish Daily Mail and was appointed Editor of The Mail on Sunday in September 2018. When Kitchener died, the Mail reported it as a great stroke of luck for the British Empire. Comyns Beaumont. JOURNALISM: Martin Clarke to leave Mail Online after 'once-in-a The co-operative values held by many trade unionists also chime with the Daily Record's political philosophy. [63] In his leader, he advocated that Hungary retake all of the lands lost under the Treaty of Trianon, which caused immediate concern in Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Romania, where it was believed that his leader reflected British government policy. We are delighted to be a launch partner of The Trust Project as we endeavour to make it simpler for readers of all ages and from all around the world to discover more about who we are and what we believe in. Knighted in 1982, Sir David English became editor-in-chief and chairman of Associated Newspapers in 1992 after Rupert Murdoch had attempted to hire Evening Standard editor Paul Dacre as editor of The Times. [117] Since 24 September 2006 Ireland on Sunday, the Irish Sunday newspaper acquired by Associated in 2001, was replaced by an Irish edition of the Mail on Sunday (the Irish Mail on Sunday), to tie in with the weekday newspaper. [224], There have been accusations of racism against the Daily Mail. The Express has stood up for Britain, talked common sense, and fought for the rights of hard-working men and women across the country. But his wife exerted pressure upon him and he changed his view, becoming more supportive. [279], In 2015, it featured in Laurence Simpson's comic novel about the tabloid media, According to The Daily Mail. An Editor's Note from NewsGuard stated that "This label now has the benefit of the dailymail.co.uk's input and our view is that in some important respects their objections are right and we were wrong". [13] According to a December 2004 survey, 53% of Daily Mail readers voted for the Conservative Party, compared to 21% for Labour and 17% for the Liberal Democrats. . [254] The Daily Mail in response published a letter from the Met Office chairman on its letters page, as well as offering to append the letter to Delingpole's article. First with the news! It was published six days after his death and before his funeral. The Letters Editor will announce the Letter Of The Week each Friday. The Daily Mail recorded average daily sales of 980,000 copies, with the Mail on Sunday recording weekly sales of 878,000. [32], The Daily Mail, devised by Alfred Harmsworth (later Viscount Northcliffe) and his brother Harold (later Viscount Rothermere), was first published on 4 May 1896. [57] In the same article, Baldwin was compared to the Italian prime ministers of the Liberal era as the article argued that the General Strike of 1926 should never have been allowed to occur and the Baldwin government was condemned "for the feebleness which it tries to placate opposition by being more Socialist than the Socialists". "[235], In 2014, after Emma Watson spoke at the launch of the United Nations HeForShe campaign, the Mail was criticised for focusing its coverage on Watson's dress and appearance, rather than the content of her speech, in which Watson complained how media had sexualised her in their coverage from when she was 14. UK newspaper age demographics in 4 charts", "The Daily Mail has a mainly female readership so why do women enjoy those 'who won Legs-it' headlines? Marcus Berkmann. [19], In August 2020 a group of Palm Islanders in Queensland, Australia, lodged a complaint with the Australian Human Rights Commission under Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 against the Daily Mail and 9News, alleging that they had broadcast and published reports that were inaccurate and racist about the Indigenous Australian recipients of compensation after the Palm Island Class Action. [89] In the 1938 crisis over the Sudetenland, The Daily Mail was very hostile in its picture of President Edvard Bene, whom Rothermere noted disapprovingly in a leader in July 1938 had signed an alliance with the Soviet Union in 1935, leading him to accuse Bene of turning "Czechoslovakia into a corridor for Russia against Germany". Paper Subscription to the Daily Record and Sunday Mail, Paper Subscription to the Paisley Daily Express, 2023 Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, Reach PLC's Complaints Policy and Procedure, Have more information about the story you are reading? How to enquire about missing supplements. [8] Its sister paper The Mail on Sunday was launched in 1982, while Scottish and Irish editions of the daily paper were launched in 1947 and 2006 respectively. The Daily Mail responded: "There is nothing controversial about the Mail's acquisition of this video, a copy of which the police already had in their possession." Daily Express, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. 21.2K Followers. Login or register. [43] A month later in August 1900 the Daily Mail published a story about the relief of the western Legations in Beijing, where the westerners in Beijing together with the thousands of Chinese Christians had been under siege by the Boxers.[43]. He was Royal Reporter for two years before being made Femail Editor in 1996. Contact Us. Letter to the Editor. [266], Up and Running is a strip distributed by Knight Features and Fred Basset has followed the life of the dog of the same name in a two-part strip in the Daily Mail since 8 July 1963. "The Voice of 'Middle England'? Scottish Daily Mail on the App Store Where appropriate, the fact a correction has been made will be noted on the story and/or on the corrections and clarifications. Category:Daily Mail journalists - Wikipedia Newspapers. By Oliver Price For Mailonline and Michael Blackley, Political Editor For The Scottish Daily Mail. Our journalists work according to The Editors Code of Practice, which sets the benchmark for ethical standards in journalism and is enforced by IPSO. [180] Despite being compared to Nazi propaganda ,[181] and criticised as racist, the cartoon received praise on the Mail Online website. "750,000 in costs as Moonies lose marathon libel action", "We Spent Yesterday Talking to People Who Are Hated by the Daily Mail", "Stephen Lawrence's parents thank Daily Mail for 'going out on a limb', "Daily Mail column on Stephen Gately death provokes record complaints", "Press Complaints Commission >> Adjudicated Complaints >> Mr Andrew Cowles", "The PCC's brave ruling over Jan Moir and Stephen Gately | Jonathan Heawood", "Marks & Spencer asks to pull ad from Mail article on Stephen Gately's death", "How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain", "Dr Matt Jones MRC Centre for Synaptic Plasticity publications", "Dysfunctional Prefrontal Cortical Network Activity and Interactions following Cannabinoid Receptor Activation", "Cannabis use increases risk of psychotic illness health 27 July 2007", Comment le cannabis perturbe l'activit crbrale, "Psychose durch Cannabis: Schon ein Joint kann Schizophrenie auslsen! For classified advertising call +44 20 7937 5656. If you have a query that requires a reply, emailexpress.expressletters@reachplc.com or write to you can also write toDaily Express, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP. Political Editor, Scottish Daily Mail. [52] Ward Price wrote in his articles that Mustafa Kemal did not have wider ambitions to restore the lost frontiers of the Ottoman empire and only wanted the Allies to leave Asia Minor. Damning minutes show senior figures discussing the aim of CfE . The yacht spent the summer entertaining beach-goers with gramophone records interspersed with publicity for the newspaper and its insurance fund. [18][26][27] Wikipedia's ban of the Daily Mail generated a significant amount of media attention, especially from the British media. The Guardian also, briefly, embedded the footage on their own website before removing it. dmg media | Leadership team - dmg media This sexism must be consigned to history. [230] The town showcased was the wealthy Manchester suburb of Didsbury, which it had described the previous month as "posh and leafy" and a "property hotspot". HoldtheFrontPage on Twitter: "HTFP Jobs: The Scottish Daily Mail is We expect our staff to use their best endeavours to verify the stories being put forward for publication. FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and information purposes, please contact the Newspaper . [184] Weiner pleaded guilty in May 2017 to sending obscene material to a minor, and in September he was jailed for 21 months. In October 2011, the Daily Mail printed an article citing the research, titled "Just ONE cannabis joint can bring on schizophrenia as well as damaging memory." Roads and railways are . [85] In an essay that has been widely criticised as misogynistic, Touchy wrote: "The Spanish women has been a creature to admire or make work domestically, to marry or let slip away into a religious order65 percent were illiterate". [263][264], In early 2019, the mobile version of the Microsoft Edge Internet browser started warning visitors to the MailOnline site, via its NewsGuard plugin, that "this website generally fails to maintain basic standards of accuracy and accountability" and "has been forced to pay damages in numerous high-profile cases". If you wish to contact DailyMail.com, Daily Mail or The Mail on Sunday, please choose the appropriate tab below. Scottish Daily Mail. [106], In September 2017, the Daily Mail partnered with Stage 29 Productions to launch DailyMailTV, an international news program produced by Stage 29 Productions in its studios based in New York City with satellite studios in London, Sydney, DC and Los Angeles. In 1928, the newspaper established an early example of an offshore radio station aboard a yacht, both as a means of self-promotion and as a way to break the BBC's monopoly. The group Cannabis Law Reform (CLEAR), which campaigns for ending drug prohibition, criticised the Daily Mail report. "[139], On 16 July 1993, the Mail ran the headline "Abortion hope after 'gay genes' finding". [160] Dr Matt Jones, co-author of the study, said he was "disappointed but not surprised" by the article, and stated: "This study does NOT say that one spliff will bring on schizophrenia". [71] The talks were drawn out largely because Mosley understood that Rothermere was a megalomaniac who wanted to use the New Party for his own purposes as he sought to impose terms and conditions in exchange for the support of the Daily Mail. Postal address: Clydesdale Bank Exchange, 20 Waterloo Street, Glasgow, G2 6DB: Telephone +44 141 331 4700: Official website: dailymail.co.uk: . It may Contribute Though! Known as 'Scotland's Champion', the Daily Record was founded in 1895 and is an iconic Scottish brand known to everyone in the nation. He became consultant editor. [120] The paper alternated between supporting the Congress-led UPA regime as well as the BJP-led NDA regime. [168] In the editorial, the paper further remarked that "We do not maintain, like the jealous God of Deuteronomy, that the iniquity of the fathers should be visited on the sons. If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, please contact the editorial team. To contact us . If you have a complaint about our content. [69] Shortly after the Nazis scored their breakthrough in the Reichstag elections on 14 September 1930, winning 107 seats, Rothermere went to Munich to interview Hitler. Letters to the Editor. Sturgeon 'won't win indyref even if she wins Supreme Court case' After making a copy on a USB flash drive, the police ordered a technician from the CCTV company that installed the system to encrypt the footage, saying 'this now falls under the confidentiality of the investigation, it must remain here'. Vice Admiral Ernest Augustus Taylor fought the first by-election for the United Empire Party in October, defeating the official Conservative candidate by 941 votes. The Daily Record wants to ensure that Scotland has a powerful voice within the Union and as such it supports further powers being devolved to Holyrood. . [269], The long-running Teddy Tail cartoon strip, was first published on 5 April 1915 and was the first cartoon strip in a British newspaper. [258], In August 2018, the Mail Online deleted a lengthy news article titled "Powder Keg Paris" by journalist Andrew Malone which focused on "illegal migrants" living in the Paris suburb of Saint Denis, after a string of apparent inaccuracies were highlighted on social media by French activist Marwan Muhammad, including mistaking Saint-Denis, the city, for Seine-Saint-Denis, the department northeast of Paris. Two of Scotland's biggest newspapers have new editors: Murray Foote has been made editor of the Daily Record and Jim Wilson is editor of the Sunday Mail. Prime Minister H. H. Asquith accused the paper of being disloyal to the country. Journalists have an obligation under IPSOs Editors Code of Practice to protect their sources, but we also have a duty to establish that the sources we use are reliable and that material has been appropriately obtained. New editor for your Scottish Daily Mail 2013-10-10 - THE Scottish Daily Mail has appointed a new editor, replacing Chris Williams who retires after ten highly successful years at the helm. If you wish to contact DailyMail.com, Daily Mail or The Mail on Sunday, please choose the appropriate tab below. Story provenance is ultimately the responsibility of the Editor. [72] In it, Rothermere predicted that "The minor misdeeds of individual Nazis would be submerged by the immense benefits the new regime is already bestowing upon Germany". ", "National newspaper ABCs: Daily Mail closes circulation gap on Sun to 5,500 copies", "Daily Mail's Online Reinvention Relieves Pressure Amid Newspaper-Industry Woes", "Winners of the National Press Awards for 2019 revealed Society of Editors", "Journalists recognised at Society Of Editors' Press Awards", "Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as 'unreliable' source", "The Daily Mail cancer story that torpedoes itself in paragraph 19", "What it's like to fall victim to the Mail Online's aggregation machine", "Daily Mail refuses to pay journalist for republishing parts of her work", "Exclusive! Saturday 29 April, 2023 . If you have an issue about how the Daily Record, Sunday Mail or dailyrecord.co.uk has written about you personally or has treated you and wish to make a formal complaint over a potential breach of the Editor's Code of Practice, please see Reach PLC's Complaints Policy and Procedure. [234] One law professor commented: "I have never seen this kind of invective against judges, either here or abroad, in the national media. "[78] The Spectator condemned Rothermere's article commenting that, " the Blackshirts, like the Daily Mail, appeal to people unaccustomed to thinking. Email expresspix@express.co.uk or . [2], In September 1999, when Editor Jim Cassidy was sacked, the paper's circulation was 767,000. Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article. [29] On this date it also absorbed the Daily Sketch, which had been published as a tabloid by the same company. Comments Off. Kitchener was considered by some to be a national hero. [143] This attracted praise from Paul Foot and Peter Preston. The headline was printed despite the fact that during the trial itself the judge concluded that claims that al-Waheed had been caught with a bomb were "pure fiction". The Daily Record aims to provide the people of Scotland with a trusted news resource that presents accurate and comprehensive coverage of local, national and international news, current affairs and sport. Their opponent was the Conservative Party politician and leader Stanley Baldwin. This means we have to make difficult judgements, sometimes quickly, which are impossible to get right all of the time. In the book the newspaper is renamed The Daily Beast. [134][135][136] However, the women he intended to ridicule embraced the term, saying "suffraGETtes" (hardening the 'g'), implying not only that they wanted the vote, but that they intended to 'get' it.[137]. Michael Blackley (@Mike_Blackley) / Twitter [81] The paper editorially continued to oppose the arrival of Jewish refugees escaping Germany, describing their arrival as "a problem to which the Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed. [258] Though the Daily Mail strongly contested this decision by the community, Wikipedia's co-founder Jimmy Wales backed the community's choice, stating: "I think what [the Daily Mail has] done brilliantly in this ad funded world (is) they've mastered the art of click bait, they've mastered the art of hyped up headlines, they've also mastered the art of, I'm sad to say, of running stories that simply aren't true. Do you know this newspaper's mobile app details? Contact Us | Daily Mail Online . Ferry shambles: Now SNP set to ask Navy to bail them out of crisis . Daily Record and Sunday Mail are published by Reach Scotland, part of the Reach PLC. The award-winning Reach publications stretch across England, Scotland and Wales, with more than 150 newspaper titles and more than 80 websites. Laurence Simpson, According to The Daily Mail (London: Matador, 2015), Jonathan Harmsworth, 4th Viscount Rothermere, continental commercial radio stations targeted towards Britain, sporting boycotts of white-minority-ruled South Africa, Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Entertainment News Program, JulySeptember 2022 Conservative Party leadership election, protests against the Sri Lankan Civil War, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, "LibGuides: How to Avoid Misinformaton: Media Bias Chart", "The 'Othering' of 'Red Ed', or How the Daily Mail 'Framed' the British Labour Leader", "Paul Dacre of the Daily Mail: The man who hates liberal Britain", "Daily Mail eclipses the Sun to become UK's top-selling paper", "Print vs. Online: Even Britain's Daily Mail Has Issues with Its Website", "How old are you again?
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