Ear Infection in bulldogs and French bulldogs is painful, remember your pet feels pain just as you do. The insides of a healthy ear should be pink, clean, and odor-free. Ear wax protects the ears from infections and bacteria. If not treated, a Frenchie ear infection can continue to cause your dog pain and distress for a longer period of time and can even lead to permanent damage to their ears or their hearing. However, there are some risks associated with general anesthesia in French bulldogs due to their breathing problems. French Bulldogs are more prone to ear infections than most breeds. How To Prevent A French Bulldog From Resource Guarding. This is one of the most common resultant problems of a French Bulldog ear infection they cant stop scratching their ears so end up creating a secondary issue as well. Hematomas are blood-filled blisters that occur when a blood vessel in the ear bursts. It is entirely possible that your bulldog will suffer from allergy-related otitis external in just one single ear. If you think your Frenchie does have an ear infection, please take them to see a vet sooner rather than later. This is usually due to the microscopic inflammation that allergies cause in the skin. Check for discoloured swellings that your Frenchie finds painful when you touch. This is caused by injuries sustained that leave damage on the dog's ears. Informational posts about French Bulldogs. Ear mites live on the skin of the ear canal and feed off ear wax and essential skin oils. link to Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? His ear flap will feel like a water balloon because it may be partially or entirely swollen with blood. Because bulldogs ears dont self-clean like ours and another dog breed, early and frequent cleaning is the key to preventing your bulldog and french bulldog puppy ear infection, chronic pain, needless discomfort, and expensive Dr. exam and rx. Heres what it could be: Why does my French Bulldog keep scratching his ears? Its entirely natural, and we will see our boy Claude scratching and pawing at his ears at least once a day but just for a few seconds at a time. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs WARNING#4 SURGEON: Bully total ear canal resection (TECA) is a very technical surgery, thus I recommend that you seek an experienced specialist to perform it. The head shaking will often be combined with a low whining. Ive blogged extensively about their health problems in the past, and that French Bulldog Owner is run by Marc and Jemma (with occasional input from our young son). Those possibilities include ailments such as ears infections or skin irritation and allergies. A hematoma is a mass of blood confined within a particular organ or tissue. Dogs can get ear infections quickly with something stuck in their ear canal or ear mites. It is called an aural or ear hematoma. However, if the wax builds up, it can also be the trigger for an ear infection. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Food trials and allergy testing have to be in order. Seizures are one of the most common ailments that affect Frenchies. Refrain from inserting anything in your Frenchies ear canal. When bone replaces normal epithelium, total ear canal ablation (TECA) with lateral bulla osteotomy (LBO) becomes the only viable alternative to rid the ear form the disease and to ease your bulldog pain and suffering. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP#6 LASER: I highly recommend class 4 cold laser which I use daily in my practice as part of the short and long term therapy and control of ear disease in bulldogs. I also recommend that you check inside of your Frenchies ears to check for redness and sores. Check for any dark discharge. Owning a Frenchie will bring out the best from you. If you see both of these signs combined, get a vet appointment quickly. We will also notify you with new releases and special offers. But it is also essential to analyze the underlying conditions that lead to excessive head shaking or ear scratching. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP#2 FOOD ALLERGY:For chronic cases consider an 8-12 weeks trial of strict hypoallergenic diet (hydrolyzed or novel) to rule out food allergy. This is excluding the financial implications of the procedure and everything involved. This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to amazon.com with recommendations. They can be of great help in the first 5 days when your dog needs to stop the itchiness. Besides the facts we mentioned in the previous paragraph, other causes of an ear infection in your pet can be: Besides itchiness, you can also notice a smelly odor coming from the dogs ears. You will typically note redness, rubbing, itching, strange odor, swell, discharge, and pain. While some ear infections may go away on their own, it is better to catch it before it grows any worse. However, it could be something you dont need to worry about at all, but with any ear scratching or pawing, I recommend you take a closer look. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP #1 FISH OIL: Omega 3 EFA Fish Oil Like Dr. Kraemers V4B Bully EFA fish oil Joint-Skin-Immune Chews has good anti-inflammatory properties and might help reduce the otitis (inflammation). If allergies are the cause of your Frenchie ear scratching, your vet will be able to help to identify what your dog is allergic to and what you can do to help treat it and prevent it from occurring again. Tips and helpful advice on the Frenchie breed and other breeds. Cautions For Parents, Excessive cleaning (you should not clean the Frenchies ears too often because thats how you ruin the protective wax barrier. Ears are one of the most important body parts, so you have to be very careful with them. Their skin will often erupt and burst into itchy, painful hives, rashes, bumps, and sores. Well, its hard to treat the French bulldog ear infection without going to the vet. Typically, this will be a cleaning solution in tandem with a cotton ball. Dr. Kraemers free Bully Ear Maintenance Toolbox includes articles, photos, diagrams, and videos. To prevent ear problems in your French bulldog, you have to schedule and make regular appointment exams with your vet so that your dog's ears can be constantly checked by a professional who knows what to look for. To keep the dogs ears healthy, you can use Spirit French Bulldog Ear Cleaner. Disclaimer: I am not a vet but am an experienced French Bulldog owner. There are also some home remedies that can be used while you wait for your vet appointment. I wont include the most obvious and common one; which is that they just have a quick itch that needs to be scratched. Scratching is natural behavior for Frenchies (as it is for all dogs). Pinna is the outer part of the Frenchies ear that is made of cartilage and covered with fur and skin. Read more about Marc Aaron. Your veterinarian should be able to determine which one of the above is most likely the underlining cause of your bulldog ear canal disease (otitis) by conducting lab tests and otoscopic exams. In those cases, we also might see neurological problems like head tilt, twitchy eyeballs, circling, ataxia (wobbly), and nausea. An untreated ear infection could potentially lead to your Frenchie becoming deaf if not taken care of as soon as you or your vet diagnoses it. 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Since it can lead to severe complications if we leave it untreated, its highly important to visit the vet from the first noticed symptom. But a dog does not suddenly begin to scratch or shake vigorously without a cause. If your dog has an ear infection, you should take them to the vet immediately. It just takes one flea to bite your dogs ear to get them scratching furiously. In the wrong hands, your bulldog puppy might end up with neurological problems and/or a chronic draining tract. Your vet could also give you treatments for your Frenchies ear infection to do at home. Sometimes they will just have an itch they need to scratch. Whilst some infections can heal on their own by discouraging your dog from scratching (either by bandaging their ears or using a cone) some may need more medical attention to drain them or even a possible surgical procedure. These include: However, for any remedy that involve dropping any mixture or oils directly into your Frenchies ear, please consult your vet first either over the phone or in person at your appointment. Can they be treated? How Can You Tell if Your French Bulldog is Not Feeling Well. You've only seen one page. You should also wash their bedding thoroughly to get rid of any flea eggs. Your vet might recommend diagnostic imaging like x-ray, CT, or MRI. A portion of this breed is especially prone to deafness. No matter how dirty your Frenchie's ear may seem, do not use too much; this is because excess liquid left in the ear can become a source of problems. For example, the way their breath smells could signal various different illnesses. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs WARNING#4 ITCH: if you bulldog it rubbing and scratching its ear, start some itch RX and place a protective buster collar. An ear infection is one of the most painful conditions not only in humans but also in dogs. In addition, scratch irritates the ear canal epithelial cells causing swelling and ulcers. If you notice your French Bulldog is scratching at his ears, it could be for a number of reasons. Corticosteroids should not be used for a long period of time because they can make side effects. It is often referred to as a blood blister, and the most common type of hematoma in dogs generally is the one that affects the ear flap. Sometimes, a vet will place a pressure wrap for seven days on the ear of the Frenchie to promote further drainage and prevent re-accumulation of fluid in the ear. This build-up of bacteria is often the reason for ear infections in French bulldogs, leading to ear irritation and progressing to ear hematomas. Whilst this is very normal behavior, I would err on the side of caution if you see your French Bulldog constantly scratching his ears. Another obvious sign of an ear infection, which is part in due to the scratching, will be visible hair loss. French bulldogs are at risk of certain conditions when it comes to their ears. Not only Frenchies but also dogs with floppy ears such as Cocker Spaniels and Shiba Inus who have pointy ears are also prone to this issue. The main factors for the common bulldog chronic ear infection are the breed ear canal abnormal anatomy on one hand and the hypersensitivity to food allergen and the environment, on the other hand. If left untreated, can become incredibly painful and can even result in long-term damage to your dogs ears. French bulldogs have a small and narrow ear canal, unlike most dogs. Brown or yellowish discharge is also one of the symptoms as well as pinna that will be warm in touch. read more about it on the VCA Animal Hospital website, buy chewable dog vitamin tablets on Amazon. While most of them are mild, some may be recurrent and severe. Handy Hint: Watch this video where we show you how we bathe our Frenchie and explain thewashing / cleaning process step by step. But what kind of ear infections and problems are Frenchies prone to? If it doesn't, then you could end up getting sick again with an even more resistant strain of bacteria! Treating Chronic or/and severe otitis should always include pain management, anti-inflammatories, topical otic rinses, ear cleansing wipes, ear flushing, and re-check visits with your veterinarian. If the underlying condition is not addressed, the ear hematomas are more likely to reoccur. Copyright 2018 to 2022 French Bulldog Owner. Yeast infections can often smell quite bad and usually accompanies off-colour discharge from the ear. The procedure has a high success rate, and it is relatively safe. During the colder months we all have to turn our heating up, but a consequence of this is dry air in the home which can cause doggy problems. A skin allergy or irritation can occur anywhere around the body, with their chewing and scratching causing hairless patches of enflamed skin known as hot spots. How Do I Know If My French Bulldog Has Fleas? We will also notify you with new releases and special offers. That way you are assuring a proper flushing and treatment application as well as a safe way for you to monitor therapeutic progress or lack thereof. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP#8: Bulldog and French bulldog atopic dermatitis are rooted in the breed genes. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP#5 ITCH: Otitis in bulldogs due to allergies do not always present with intense itch. How Do I Know If My French Bulldog Has Fleas? Ear infections will often feel like they have something lodged in their ear canal, meaning dogs will often shake their heads to try and dislodge whatever it is causing them discomfort. Even though most Frenchies are prone to obesity, its nothing strange to see a skinny Frenchie too. We need to be sure that the infection has truly cleared before stopping treatment. The most obvious sign of a French Bulldog ear infection will be when they paw and scratch at their ears. Therefore, the rule of thumb is to clean the dogs ears once a week or every 10. The scratching can traumatize the ear pinna vessels leading to an Aural Hematoma (i.e. They can also exhibit a high fever and temperature. Once cleaned, use a dog conditioner that will prevent dry skin in the ears. This should help to prevent injuries to both pet and owner, reduce stress, and minimize pain. Some of these are seasonal and others can be easily removed from their environment or their diet. In some cases, the node might be so large that it blocks the opening of the ear canal; in other cases, it may only involve the tip of the ear. SEE DIAGRAM. Their excessive ear scratching can often cause hematomas to develop. If a foreign body enters the ear, it will be not only a painful experience for your pet, but it can also cause an infection. Why French Bulldogs Get Zoomies & Run Around Like Crazy? Look out for patches or dull hair that easily pulls away with a little tug. Some of the more common areas for skin allergies are around their bellies and their ears. French Bulldogs are very prone to ear problems. French Bulldog Ear Cleaning Solution is another product that will help maintain your dogs ears healthy. One of the funniest things about having a Frenchie is when they get what we call the zoomies and start running about like crazy. Handy Hint: I wrote a guide to the most common Frenchie skin allergies, which includes details on what each one means and potential treatment options. This is very much the worst-case scenario though. But make sure your vet informs you of everything this procedure will entail. If ear hematomas have occurred in one ear, the other ear should be constantly monitored for any signs of irritation. Ear infection in bulldogs can begin as early as a few weeks of age. Dr. Kraemers bully ear rinses and wipes are the ideal preventive and care kit. If you get a whiff of something nasty near your Frenchies ear, its very likely that he has an ear infection. I write about all the things we've learned about owning a Frenchie, the adventures we have, and any advice and tips I've picked up along the way. Its easy to come to the erroneous conclusion that if only one ear is the effect it can not be triggered by an allergy. The extra weight of the ear flap will be uncomfortable for the Frenchie, and if immediate treatment is not administered, it may lead to a permanent change in the shape of the ears. If I can find a photo of what a French Bulldog ear infection looks like, I will update this blog post in the future. Dont confuse a difficulty in balancing with a limping back leg; the two things could be down to very different reasons. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This powder releases itchiness, bad odor, and removes the ear excessive hair. Any dog who isnt born deaf may become so through neglect and untreated ear infections. Does your Frenchie have smelly ears that are also warm in touch and look red? Therefore, we recommend you not to treat your French bulldogs ears in home conditions. big blood pooling in the pinna) that usually needs to be surgically repaired. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs, Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs is common and is mostly due to the breed inherently abnormal narrow ear canal due to selective breeding. The products you use when bathing your Frenchie could also be the cause of ear scratching. This can be caused by a number of things, including bleeding within the ear, the overproduction of earwax or allergies. Any Frenchie that suffers from allergies be it environmental, dust mites, or food, is already predisposed to ear infections. Skin irritation can occur due when your Frenchie has an allergy to a certain material, food or ticks or fleas as already discussed. Sign up to get information & expert advice about pets' health and safety. Causes of Ear Hematomas In French Bulldogs. Your and other dog breeds ear canal cell migration and wax movement is a normal upward motion, in contrast, bulldogs and French bulldogs lack migration or even suffer from an abnormal reverse downward migration and wax movement. Because of their complicated history as a breed, French Bulldogs are more susceptible to ear related problems, including ear infections and skin conditions that could lead to discomfort, pain and even prolonged health issues if left untreated. These samples are then examined under the microscope for signs of parasite infection. We have lots more on the site to show you. Ear mites are a common parasite, and although they are more likely to occur in cats, they are pretty standard in dogs. If yes, then probably the French bulldog ear infection is on the way. A huge concern people have before they get a Frenchie will be the range of health issues this breed can suffer with. The swelling will vary in size, but there will be swelling. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs WARNING #5 END STAGE: the vicious cycle of chronic infection (yeast and bacteria), and inflammation (itch, swell, redness and pain) can tragically lead to an irreversible state of first fibrosis and then calcification, mineralization, ossification (forming into bone) of the cells lining the ear canal. And so, the ear canal often remains wet and warm: this is the perfect environment and conditions for bacteria and yeast to grow in. Ear infections can cause a dog to vigorously scratch or shake their heads, causing the ear flaps to slap against the skull, leading to hematoma. It could result in dry skin in the ear which becomes extremely itchy. It can be anything, from food to a spot on the couch, to your favorite hoodie. However, if you have noticed that your Frenchie is repeatedly scratching at his ears for a longer period of time, then it could be a sign of something wrong. Using a human shampoo is a definite no-no, but even some specialist dog shampoos you need careful consideration too. Note the drainage tube and the sutures. My French Bulldog Is So Skinny! Handy Hint: If the winter season is approaching, you will find my Frenchie Cold Weather guide helpful as it includes all the methods we use to keep our dog safe from extreme temperatures. Although French Bulldogs are not especially prone to ear hematomas in itself, they are prone to ear infections which may or may not ultimately lead to deafness. the itch, pain, and inflammation). Your furry friend will love feeling comfortable and itch-free again! But it starts to become an issue when your Frenchie begins to display aggressive behavior when you approach these things. In addition to thinning the skin, they also impair the skin's natural immunity. Dont confuse a normal itch that needs to be scratched though; only be concerned when you see your Frenchie pawing at his ears on a more frequent basis. The scratching of these hives may then result in ear hematomas. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. Laser Therapy is inexpensive, has no adverse effects, helps in reducing swelling and pain, and enhance healing. It can be described almost like a waddle as they walk and is the sign you need to take them to the vet. If your Frenchie's ears are swollen, red, smelly, or have a kind of discharge, you should immediately contact your vet. Chronic ear infections in French bulldogs can be a pain to deal with, but luckily there are many medications out on the market nowadays. Heres how often I recommend bathing Frenchies. We use a combination shampoo and conditioner which you can buy on Amazon. If the ear hematoma is treated alone without addressing the underlying cause, chances are the ear hematoma will return and maybe worse the second time. Ear mites are a little different, as they will physically invade the ear to make it a nice and warm home. After this procedure, the vet will prescribe pain medication, antibiotics, and other medicines to treat the underlying cause of irritation. You can read how to diagnose these in my guide to Frenchie fevers. It is not unusual for your French bulldog to find a couple of things valuable. If you are concerned and your French Bulldogs ear scratching appears to be paired with some visible discomfort and an unusual regularity, then take them to see a vet as soon as possible. Your vet can diagnose this condition during a physical exam. Because of the inner ear helping with balance, an inner ear infection can cause your dog to be unsteady on their feet. Ear Infection in Bulldog and Otitis In French Bulldogs TIP#3 ATOPIC ALLERGY: A allergen blood test can be done to rule out atopic allergies. A lot of this is down to them having small skulls which result in narrower ear canals. The human eye can rarely see them; detection under a microscope is necessary to confirm their presence. *The guide was compiled courtesy of Dr. Kraemer, a must-read for any current or future bulldog owner. 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