Gujarat did not have anything like the non-Brahmin movement of South India and Maharashtra before 1947. I will not discuss the present situation in detail but indicate briefly how the above discussion could be useful for understanding a few important changes in modern times. For example, a good number of villages in central Gujarat used to have both Talapada and Pardeshi Kolis and Brahmans belonging to two or three of their many second-order divisions. All associations originated in large towns, are more active in towns than in villages, and are led by prominent members in towns. The Kayatias main occupation was to perform a ritual on the eleventh day after death, during which they took away offerings made to ghosts: this was the main cause of their extremely low status among Brahmans. That the sociological study of urban areas in India has not received as much attention as that of rural areas is well known, and the studies made so far have paid little attention to caste in urban areas. Therefore, the surname refers to someone who likely made or sold screws. This meant that he could marry a girl of any subdivision within the Vania division. For example, there was considerable ambiguity about the status of Anavils. The following two tabs change content below. The urban community included a large number of caste groups as well as social groups of other kinds which tended to be like communities with a great deal of internal cohesion. In some other cases, mainly of urban artisans, craftsmen and specialized servants, such as Kansaras (copper and bronze smiths), Salvis (silk weavers), Kharadis (skilled carpenters and wood carvers), Chudgars (bangle-makers) and Vahivanchas genealogists and mythographers), the small populations were so small and confined to so few towns that they had few subdivisions and the boundaries of their horizontal units were fairly easy to define. Ideally, castes as horizontal units should he discussed with the help of population figures. Surname (or family name) Bhakta has Indian origin, most common language spoken by them is Gujarati, they are originated and/or found widely in Gujarat state. In the plains, therefore, every village had one or more towns in its vicinity. While almost all the social structures and institutions which existed in villagesreligion, caste, family, and so onalso existed in towns, we should not assume that their character was the same. The division had an elaborate internal hierarchy, with wealthy and powerful landlords and tax-farmers at the top and small landholders, tenants and labourers at the bottom. Among the first-order divisions with subdivisions going down to the fourth order, there are associations for divisions of all the orders. For example, in a Rajput kingdom the families of the Rajput king and his nobles resided in the capital town, while the Rajput landlords and cultivators resided in villages. For example, there were Khedawal Brahmans but not Khedawal Vanias, and Lad Vanias but no Lad Brahmans. Sometimes castes are described as becoming ethnic groups in modern India, particularly in urban India. The Subaltern Studies Group was part of a larger post-structural and cultural turn in the humanities and social sciences, which has profoundly changed how we today discuss history, power, consciousness, colonialism and resistance. The point is that the Rajput hierarchy, with the princely families at the top, merged at the lower level imperceptibly into the vast sea of tribal and semi-tribal people like Bhils and Kolis. Frequently, the shift from emphasis on co-operation and hierarchy in the caste system to emphasis on division (or difference or separation) is described as shift from whole to parts, from system to elements, from structure to substance. Although the name of a Brahman or Vania division might be based on a place name, the division was not territorial in nature. It has been pointed out earlier that an emphasis on the principle of division existed in the caste system in urban centres in traditional India. There are 36 types of SC Caste categories in Gujarat State. If the first-order divisions are called jatis and castes, the second-order divisions would be called sub-jatis or sub-castes. I am dealing here only with certain typical situations. The two areas merge gradually, and my field work covered most of the spectrum. After marriage, the wife moves to the husband's house, except for the period of childbirth. - BY Crissy Jane Purnesh Modi, the complainant in the Rahul Gandhi case, belongs to the Modhvanik community of Surat, as does Hasmukh Lalwala . In 1931, the Rajputs of all strata in Gujarat had together a population of about 35,000 forming nearly 5 per cent of the total population of Gujarat. When divisions are found within a jati, the word sub-jati or sub-caste is used. The ekdas have not yet lost their identities. Systematic study of small caste divisions in villages as well as in towns still awaits the attention of sociologists and anthropologists. In central Gujarat, at least from about the middle of the 18th century, the population of the wealthy and powerful Patidar section of the Kanbis also lived in townsan extremely interesting development of rich villages into towns, which I will not describe here. Bafan (Muslim) -do- 4. [19], In Kutch, Meghwals are divided into 4 entities depending on their origin or their time period of arrival:[20][21], Meghwal of Madhya Pradesh are largely concentrated in Khargone district. Some last names such as Aacharya, Desai, Gupta, Joshi, Mehta, and Pandya are derived from Sanskrit words. Read Also:150 Most Popular Indian Last Names For Your Baby TOS 7. Today, there are two kinds of Koli areas. Dowry not only continues to be a symbol of status in the new hierarchy but is gradually replacing bride price wherever it existed, and dowry amounts are now reaching astronomical heights. This Gujarati surname is considered to have derived from the Hindustani word panch meaning five. The name Panchal likely referred to those who belonged to any of the five artisanal communities of blacksmiths, goldsmiths, coppersmiths, carpenters, and stonemasons. The co-residence of people belonging to two or more divisions of a lower order within a division of a higher order has been a prominent feature of caste in towns and cities. We need to formulate some idea of the nature of the Indian urban society and its relation with the rural society in the past, at least at the beginning of the 19th century. August 31, 2015, 2:33 PM IST Rajiv Shah in True Lies, India, TOI. It is the Gujarati word for a parrot. There are 350+ Castes living right now in Gujarat State, The Government has divided all castes in 5 to 6 Category which is General, SEBC, OBC, SC, ST, NT & DT. stream A comment on the sociology of urban India would, therefore, be in order before we go ahead with the discussion of caste divisions. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Her experience in impactful writing combined with her background in Home Sciences makes Aparna the perfect candidate for content writing in the pregnancy and parenting niche.Read more. The surname Chowdhury is likely a title of honor bestowed by a king to a warrior or a nobleman. Moreover, some leading Anavils did not wish to be bothered about Brahman status, saying that they were just Anavil. The surname is likely composed of the Gujarati words sara meaning good and bhai referring to a brother, man, or any other person of significance. The highland Bhils seem to have provided brides to lower Rajputs on the other side of the highlands also, i.e., to those in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh (see, for example, Doshi, 1971: 7f., 13-15; Aurora 1972: 16, 32f.). Get close to the ancestry and significance of some of the popular Spanish surnames. Exotic hand-embroidered items form part of dowry of Meghwal woman. state stateid caste subcaste castecode kerala 01 ezhava varrer 01047 kerala 01 ezhava vathi 01048 kerala 01 ezhava 01049 kerala 01 ezhuthachan 01050 kerala 01 g.s.b. Second, there used to be intense intra-ekda politics, and tads were formed as a result of some continuing conflict among ekda leaders and over the trial of violation of ekda rules. Muslims castes in Gujarat - newpakhistorian There are 350+ Castes living in Gujarat state. Let me illustrate briefly. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Finally, while an increasing number of marriages are taking place even across the boundaries of first-order divisions, as for example, between Brahmans and Vanias, and between Vanias and Patidars, such marriages even now form an extremely small proportion of the total number of marriages. Rawal - Wikipedia However, on the basis of the meagre information I have, I am able to make a few points. But this is not enough. The Prajapati Community - Prajapati Heroes Gujrat | Facebook The main reason was that Anavils did not practise priesthood as a traditional occupation, nor were they involved in traditional Sanskrit learning. They are proud of their community and carry it far for it to prosper. Most are Hindu by religion, with Rishi Megh, Kabir, and Ram Devji, and Bankar Mataji their chief gods. Some ekdas did come into existence in almost the same way as did the tads, that is to say, by a process of fission of one ekda into two or more ekdas. More common was an ekda or tad having its population residing either in a few neighbouring villages, or in a few neighbouring towns, or in both. The indigenous Kolis in the highland area of Pal in eastern Gujarat were called Palia, but there was another smaller population of KoUs, who were locally called Baria but were actually Talapada immigrants from central Gujarat. It is a coalescence of Kolis and Rajputs on the modern political plane based on the foundation of the traditional social and cultural symbiosis under the rubric of Kshatriya. The Gujarati surname probably derives its name from the word Jari/Zari, which refers to the shining gold and silver threads used in Indian apparel. So far we have considered first-order divisions with large and widely spread populations. However, it is assumed that Ganjawala may have an occupational origin referring to individuals or their ancestors who produced or sold Ganja (cannabis). For example, the Khadayata Brahmans worked as priests at important rituals among Khadayata Vanias. The main point is that we do not completely lose sight of the lowest boundary among these three hypergamous divisions as we do among the Rajputs. The existence of ekdas or gols, however, does not mean that the divisiveness of caste ended there or that the ekdas and gols were always the definitive units of endogamy. But there were also others who did not wield any power. Co-residence of people, belonging to two or more divisions of a lower order within a higher order was, however, a prominent feature of towns and cities rather than of villages. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Some of the Mahashas also claim to be belonging to Meghs. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"JoC_BWsapbxkWt5DiwKm.yUVJ1sUs5Lnx3NXnOdJgrU-3600-0"}; It is also one of the clan in Mahar caste with clan totem as King Cobra[1] and also a surname found among Marathas, Bania communities and Punjabi Brahmins. One of the clearly visible changes in caste in Gujarat is the increasing number of inter-divisional or so-called inter-caste marriages, particularly in urban areas, in contravention of the rule of caste endogamy. This bulk also was characterized by hierarchy, with the relatively advanced population living in the plains at one end and the backward population living along with the tribal population in the highlands at the other end. The migration of the Kolis of north Gujarat into central Gujarat and those of the latter into eastern Gujarat was a process of slow drift from one village to another over a period of time. In these divisions an increasing number of marriages are taking place against the grain of traditional hierarchy, i.e., girls of traditionally higher strata marry boys of traditionally lower strata. For example, there were two ekdas, each with a large section resident in a large town and small sections resident in two or three neighbouring small towns. Some of the other such divisions were Kathi, Dubla, Rabari, Bharwad, Mer (see Trivedi 1961), Vaghri, Machhi, Senwa, Vanzara, and Kharwa. The following surnames in the Shree Sorathia Prajapati community are being used and obtained through heritage for centuries: Then there were a number of urban divisions of specialized artisans, craftsmen and servants, as for example, Sonis (gold and silver smiths), Kansaras (copper and bronze smiths), Salvis (silk weavers), Bhavsars (weavers, dyers and printers), Malis (florists), Kharadis (skilled carpenters and wood carvers), Kachhias (vegetable sellers), Darjis (tailors), Dabgars (makers of drums, saddles and such other goods involving leather), Ghanchis (oil pressers), Golas ferain and spice pounders and domestic servants), Dhobis (washermen), Chudgars (banglemakers), and Tambolis (sellers of area nuts, betel leaves, etc.). 4 GUJARAT 4273 SHODA . As you know Digital Gujrat is the feature of our generation. (Scores from 0 to 20) "Maa Vatsalya" scheme:-Annual Rs. Shah derives its name from sahukaar, a Gujarati word that means merchant, banker, or money-lender. (surname) Me caste; Mer (community) Meta Qureshi; Mistri caste; Miyana (community) Modh; Motisar (caste) Multani Lohar; Muslim Wagher; Mutwa; N . Once the claim was accepted at either level, hypergamous marriage was possible. You can check out this list below. Gujarati surnames are usually passed down through different generations of the family based on the patrilineal system, which means that the fathers surname is passed on to his children. The surname comes from the Hindustani word Munim that refers to the head accountant at a shop, factory, or any other business establishment. Bhagat - Wikipedia Both Borradaile and Campbell were probably mixing up small endogamous units of various kinds. Top 100 Gujarati Surnames or Last Names in India, List of Gujarati Surnames or Last Names With Meanings, Top 100 Punjabi Surnames or Last Names With Meanings, 150 Most Popular Indian Last Names For Your Baby. The surname thus has an occupational origin. A surname comes from the Sanskrit word vyasa meaning the compiler. The surname would have been associated with those who worked as compilers of ancient texts. It is also one of the clan in Mahar caste with clan totem as King Cobra [1] and also a surname found among Marathas, Bania communities and Punjabi Brahmins. The point is that there was nothing like the endogamous unit but there were only several units of various orders with defined roles in endogamy. On the other hand, there was an almost simultaneous spurt in village studies. Frequently, each such unit had a patron deity, housed in a large shrine, with elaborate arrangements for its ownership. I have not yet come across an area where Kolis from three or more different areas live together, excepting modern, large towns and cities. If YES then please share this article with your friends and family on all Social media sites like Facebook, Whatsapp, Telegram, Twitter & Instagram. Not only that, there were also third-order divisions (i.e., ekdas) in one or more second-order divisions, and finally one or more fourth-order divisions (i.e., tads) in one or more third-order divisions. The Kolis seem to have had only two divisions in every part of Gujarat: for example, Talapada (indigenous) and Pardeshi (foreign) in central Gujarat and Palia and Baria in eastern Gujarat (significantly, one considered indigenous and the other outsider). Meghwals are known for their contribution to embroidery and the textile industry. [21], In the countryside of Rajasthan, many of the people of this community still reside in small hamlets of round, mud-brick huts painted on the outside with colourful geometric designs and decorated with detailed mirror inlays. Click here for additional information. There is a patterned widening of the connubial field along an area chalked out historically. Create an account to receive great content curated, personalised home page, and get support in parenting. Our analysis of caste in towns has shown how it differed significantly from that in villages. Such a description not only overlooks the diversity and complexity of caste divisions and the rural-urban Link- ages in them but also leads to placing them in the same category as Muslims, Christians, Parsis, Jains, Buddhists, and so on. We will reply as soon as possible. There are thus a few excellent studies of castes as horizontal units. Radhvanaj Rajputs were clearly distinguished from, and ranked much above local Kolis. The Bhavsars claim to be of Kshatriya descent. Each unit was ranked in relation to others, and many members of the lower units married their daughters into the higher units, so that almost every unit became loose in the course of time. The Rajputs relationship with the Kolis penetrated every second-order division among them, i.e., Talapada, Pardeshi, Chumvalia, Palia, and so on. Born in 1947, in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, Hardiman was raised in England, completed his PhD in history at the . An important idea behind the activities of caste associations is: service to ones caste is service to the nation. Desai is a frequently used Gujarati surname composed of the Sanskrit words desa meaning country, and swami meaning master or lord. 8. Get curated, personalised content as per your parenting stage. It is possible that there were a few divisions each confined to just one large city and, therefore, not having the horizontal dimension at all. Vibrant and unique Tswana baby names represent culture, faith, and family lineage. Since these were all status categories rather than clear- cut divisions, I have not considered them as constituting third-order divisions. While certain first-order divisions were found mainly in towns, the population of certain other first-order divisions was dispersed in villages as well as in towns, the population of the rural and the urban sections differing from one division to another. A great deal of discussion of the role of the king in the caste system, based mainly on Indological literature, does not take these facts into account and therefore tends to be unrealistic. The patterns of change in marriage and in caste associations are two of the many indications of the growing significance of the principle of division (or separation or difference) in caste in urban areas in Gujarat. To give just one example, one large street in Baroda, of immigrant Kanbis from the Ahmedabad area, named Ahmedabadi Pol, was divided into two small parallel streets. We have analyzed the internal structure of two first-order divisions, Rajput and Anavil, which did not have any second-order divisions, and of several second-order divisionsTalapada and Pardeshi Koli, Khedawal Brahman, and Leva Kanbiwhich did not have any third-order divisions. The error is further compounded whenalthough this is less commonthe partial, rural model of traditional caste is compared with the present urban situation, and conclusions are drawn about overall change. In spite of them, however, sociologists and social anthropologists have not filled adequately the void left by the disappearance of caste from the census and the gazetteer. The word Jain comes from the Sanskrit word jina, which means victory. At the end of this article, you are also able to Download Gujarat Caste List PDF File in your mobile phone. Many primarily rural castes, such as Kolisthe largest castehave remained predominantly rural even today. Madhurima has completed her Masters in Biochemistry from North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong. If the Varna divisions are taken into account, then this would add one more order to the four orders of caste divisions considered above. It is noteworthy that many of their names were based on names of places (region, town, or village): for example, Shrimali and Mewada on the Shrimal and Mewar regions in Rajasthan, Modh on Modhera town in north Gujarat, and Khedawal on Kheda town in central Gujarat. It is an occupational surname that referred to someone who worked as a supervisor or a proprietor. The dye is caste in Gujarat. Simultaneously, there is gradual decline in the strength of the principle of hierarchy, particularly of ritual hierarchy expressed in purity and pollution. A new view of the whole, comprising the rural and the urban and the various orders of caste divisions, should be evolved. A blacksmith or an artisan, they all have a good business sense and know-how to reap profits and carry their cultural heritage all over the world. The boundaries of caste division were fairly clear in the village community. The Suthar community is mostly involved in the field of carpentry. Since most of the class is into some business, works like goldsmith, blacksmith, jewellers, money lenders, business tycoons, most of them are from the same community. The advance made in recent years is limited and much more needs to be done. Roughly, while in the plains area villages are nucleated settlements, populated by numerous castes, in the highland area villages are dispersed settlements, populated by tribes and castes of tribal origin. The exact meaning of the surname is unknown. Leva Kanbis, numbering 400,000 to 500,000 m 1931, were the traditional agricultural caste of central Gujarat. The members of a kings caste were thus found not only in his own kingdom but in other kingdoms as well. Some of the Mahashas also claim to be belonging to Meghs. For the sake of bravity and simplicity of presentation, I have not provided detailed documentation. The very low Brahmans such as Kayatias and Tapodhans were invited but made to eat separately from the rest of the Brahmans. Any one small caste may look insignificant in itself but all small castes put together become a large social block and a significant social phenomenon. Indian (Gujarat and Maharashtra): unexplained. For example, among almost every Vania division there was a dual division into Visa and Dasa: Visa Nagar and Dasa Nagar, Visa Lad and Dasa Lad, Visa Modh and Dasa Modh, Visa Khadayata and Dasa Khadayata, and so on. The name, Talapada, meaning mdigenous, commonly used in the 19th century, is most clear, since it is clearly distinguished from the other division called Pardeshi, meaning foreign, who during the last one or two centuries immigrated here from the area around Patan in north Gujarat and were, therefore, also called Patan- wadias. In Gujarat, the surname likely referred to those who worked as an assayer of gold, silver, and other precious items. Acharya, a common Gujarati surname, derives its name from Acarya, a Sanskrit word for a spiritual leader, or the one who teaches conduct., The surname originates from a Sanskrit word that means best among priests who perform Yagna.. Agri 12011/68/93-BCC(C) dt 10.09.1993 2. Examples include Balai, Menghwar, Bhambhi ,meghwar, meghwanshi, Kamad, Rikhia. They were involved in agriculture in one way or another. 4 0 obj The change from emphasis on hierarchy to emphasis on division is becoming increasingly significant in view of the growth of urban population both in absolute number and in relation to the total population. That Rajputs were one of the divisions, if not the only division of the first-order, not having further divisions, has already been mentioned. Nor do I claim to know the whole of Gujarat. The small endogamous units, on the other hand, did not practise either. A fundamental difficulty with these paradigms of change, as indicated by the above analysis, is that they are based on a partial conception of the systematic or structural whole in the past partially because it does not cover the urban situation and the complexity of horizontal units. In the second-order divisions of the Vanias the small endogamous units functioned more effectively and lasted longer: although the hypergamous tendency did exist particularly between the rural and the urban sections in a unit, it had restricted play. For more Caste related information Regular visit our blog./ to which the divisions of the marrying couple belong. Village studies, as far as caste is a part of them, have been, there fore, concerned with the interrelations between sections of various castes in the local context. The latter continued to be the provincial capital during Mughal rule. Although caste was found in both village and town, did it possess any special characteristics in the latter? As The Times of India representative in Gandhinagar, Gujarat's capital, Rajiv covered . This reflects the high degree of divisiveness in castes in Gujarat. In some parts of Gujarat they formed 30 to 35 per cent of the population. PDF Castes and Subcastes List in Gujarat - Matchfinder Bhagat surname - India child names It is a state in Western India famous for its handicrafts, dances and delicacies. Even if we assume, for a moment, that the basic nature of a structure or institution was the same, we need to know its urban form or variant. I describe here three prominent units of the latter type, namely, Anavil, Leva Kanbi, and Khedawal Brahman.